Intro: 32 counts
Fwd Touch, ½ Touch, Kick Ball Touch, Cross Unwind ¾ Turn R
1-2 Step R fwd, touch L beside R
3-4 Make a ½ turn L stepping L fwd, touch R beside L
5&6 Kick R, step R beside L , touch L to L
7-8 Cross L over R, turn ¾ R sharp
Hip Bump, Walk, Pose, Hip Bump, Walk, Pose
1-2 Point L fwd and bump L hip up twice
3-4 Walk R fwd, ¼ turn R stepping L to L, L akimbo and place R hand like wearing a cap, head look down
5-6 Make a ¼ turn R again point R fwd and bump R hip up twice
7-8 Walk L fwd, ¼ turn L stepping R to R, R akimbo and place L hand like wearing a cap, head look down
Cross Point Monterey Turn, Side Rock And Recover, Extended L Fwd Shuffle
1-2 Cross L over R, point R to R
3&4 Make a ½ turn R step R beside L, rock L to L and recover
5&6 Step L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd
&7&8 Lock R behind L, step L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd
Scuff, Brush, Flamingo Full Turn R, Pivot ½ Turn L, Pivot Spiral ¾ Turn R
1-2 Scuff R fwd, brush R back (flicking R back)
3-4 On ball of L, make a full turn R, step R to R
5-6 Step L fwd , make a 1/2 turn R
7-8 Step L fwd , make another 3/4 turn R
Fwd Touch, ½ Touch, Kick Ball Touch, Cross Unwind ¾ Turn R
1-2 Step R fwd, touch L beside R
3-4 Make a ½ turn L stepping L fwd, touch R beside L
5&6 Kick R, step R beside L , touch L to L
7-8 Cross L over R, turn ¾ R sharp
Hip Bump, Walk, Pose, Hip Bump, Walk, Pose
1-2 Point L fwd and bump L hip up twice
3-4 Walk R fwd, ¼ turn R stepping L to L, L akimbo and place R hand like wearing a cap, head look down
5-6 Make a ¼ turn R again point R fwd and bump R hip up twice
7-8 Walk L fwd, ¼ turn L stepping R to R, R akimbo and place L hand like wearing a cap, head look down
Cross Point Monterey Turn, Side Rock And Recover, Extended L Fwd Shuffle
1-2 Cross L over R, point R to R
3&4 Make a ½ turn R step R beside L, rock L to L and recover
5&6 Step L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd
&7&8 Lock R behind L, step L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd
Scuff, Brush, Flamingo Full Turn R, Pivot ½ Turn L, Pivot Spiral ¾ Turn R
1-2 Scuff R fwd, brush R back (flicking R back)
3-4 On ball of L, make a full turn R, step R to R
5-6 Step L fwd , make a 1/2 turn R
7-8 Step L fwd , make another 3/4 turn R