CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Boom Boom Pow

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Intermediate / Advanced
Elfrita Maya (INA) & Duma Kristina S (INA) - February 2010
Boom Boom Pow - Black Eyed Peas
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Intro: Dance starts 32 count after vocal “Boom-Boom-Boom” (00:00:30)

Notes: There are 3 restarts on the 2nd wall, 4th wall, and 6th wall

(1-8) Swift R Hell in-out, Swift L Heel in-out, Swift R Heel in-out-in-out, Swift L Heel in-out, Swift R Heel in-out, Swift L heel in-out-in-out
&1 Swift R heel in (&), swift R heel out (1)
&2 Swift L heel in (&), swift L heel out (2)
&3&4 Swift R heel in-out-in-out
&5 Swift L heel in (&), swift L heel out (5)
&6 Swift R heel in (&), swift R heel out (6)
&7&8 Swift L heel in-out-in-out

(9-16) R Forward, Pivot ¼ L, Cross R, L Side and Bend R Knee In, Bend and Shake R Knee Out-In-Out-In-Out
1-4 Step R forward (1), pivot 1/4 L weight on L (2) [9.00], cross R over L (3), large step L to L side and bend L knee making the body weight on L, whilst bend R knee in (4)
5-7&8 Replace the body weight to R, bend R knee out whilst bend L knee in (5), Still in that position, shake your R knee in (6) - out (7) – in (&) – out (8)

(17-24) Walk Back L-R-L-R, Touch L Toe, L Back Diagonally, Touch R Toe, R Back Diagonally, (Touch L Toe, L Back Diagonally)x2
1-4 Walk back L-R-L-R. While doing these, move your legs and body up-down-right-left as hip-hop
&5&6 Touch L toe beside R heel (&), step L back diagonally (5), touch R toe beside L knee (&), step R back diagonally (6)
&7&8 With body weight on R: Touch L toe beside R heel (&), step L back diagonally (7), repeat for count &8

(25-32) Hitch R and Turn ¼ R, Stamp R Down and Kick L Back, Kick L Forward, L Back and Drag R, R Behind, Turn ½ R and Together
1-2 Hitch R (1), still hitch on R, turn ¼ R with weight on L (2) [12.00]
3-4 Stamp R down whilst kick back on L (3), and continue with kick L forward, weight still on R (4)
5-8 Large step back on L (5) drag R back toward L (6), on ball of R, cross R behind L (7), with weight on ball of R, turn ½ R stepping L beside R (8) [6.00]*
*Restart from here during 2nd wall and 4th wall, facing 12.00 wall

(33-40) Cross Touch L Toe, Touch L Toe Side, Jumping Cross and Side, Cross L, Jump and Turn ¼ L, (Jumping Forward)2x
1-2 Touch L toe cross over R (1), touch L toe to L side (2)
3-4 With body weight on centered, jumping and landing with crossing both legs: L cross over R (3), jumping and landing with both legs on side (4)
5-6 Cross L over R (5), jump and turn ¼ L, landing with both legs on side (6) [3.00]
7-8 Jump forward twice with both legs. You can add punch up your right fist over head twice while jumping

(41-48) R Side Hitch L, L Side Hitch R, Grind R Forward, R Coaster Step
1-4 Large Step R to R side (1), hitch L (2), large step L to L side (3), hitch R (4)
5-6 Grind R heel forward from left to the right
7&8 Step R back (7), step L beside R (&), step R forward (8)**
**Restart from here during 6th wall, facing 9.00 wall.
Because of this restart, the dancing become 4 wall. For the next 8th wall, dance starts on 3.00 wall.

(49-56) Pull L and Bend L Knee, Push L Down and Touch L Forward, Pull R and Bend R Knee, Push R Down and Touch R Forward, (Pull L and Bend L Knee, Push L Down and Touch L Forward)2x, Together, Touch R Toe Forward, Together, Touch L Toe Forward, Together
&1 With body weight on R, pull your L up and bend L knee until making angle 90º between gastocnemius and back tight (&), push L down and touch L forward (1)
&2 Step L beside R whilst pull your R up and bend R knee until making angle 90º between gastrocnemius and back tight (&), push R down and touch R forward (2)
&3&4 Step R beside L whilst pull L up then repeat coun &1 (&49) twice
&5-6 Step L beside R (&), touch R toe forward (5), step L beside R (6)
7-8 Touch L toe forward (7), step L beside R (8)

(57-64) R Forward, Turn ¼ R and Touch L Toe, Weave, Jumping Forward 2x
1-2 Step R forward (1), with weight on R turn ¼ R whilst touch L toe to L side (2) [6.00]
3&4 Cross L over R (3), step R to R side (&), step L behind R (4)
5&6 Step R to R side (5), cross L over R (&), step R to R side (6)
7-8 Jump forward twice with both legs. You can add punch your fists up over head while jumping.

Start dancing again

Get Funky and Have Fun!

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