CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Raining Men

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Margaret Murphy (AUS) - September 2009
It's Raining Men - The Weather Girls
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(1-8) Walk Forward, Right Left, Hold, ½ turn Left, Walk forward Left, Right, Hold
1,2 Step Right foot forward, step left foot forward,
3,4 Step Right foot forward, Hold
5,6 Turning1/2 Left step Left foot forward, step right foot forward
7,8 Step left foot forward, Hold (6.00)

(9-16) Rock Right, Replace, Right Sailor Step, Left Sailor Step, Rock Back, Rock Fwd.
1,2 Rock/step to right side, replace weight onto Left
3&4 Right Sailor Step, (RLR)
5&6 Left Sailor Step (LRL)
7,8 Rock step back onto Right foot, replace weight forward onto Left foot (6.00)

(17-24) 1&3/4 Turn Left Stepping back on Right ½, ½ , ½ , ¼ (9.00) (Option: Step back ½ turn left onto Right, walk fwd LRL)
1,2 Turning ½ Left, step back onto Right, ½ turn left step forward onto Left
3,4 Turning ½ left step back onto Right, ¼ turn Left step to the left on left
5,6 Rock to right on right, replace weight onto Left
7&8 Cross shuffle to the left RLR (9.00)

(25-32) Step back ¼ Right, Forward ½ Right, Left, Shuffle forward
1,2 Stepping back on left ¼, step forward ½ onto right,
3&4 Shuffle forward LRL (6.00)
5,6 Step forward onto Right, turn ¼ left step onto Left
7,8 Step Right foot forward and Hold (9.00)

(33-40) Full Turn Roll to the Right, Shuffle fwd, Heel Jacks
1,2 Full turn right, stepping, Left Right, (option; walk forward Left, Right)
3&4 Shuffle Forward, LRL
5&6 Right Heel Jack
&7&8 Left Heel Jack (3.00)

(40-48) Rock right over Left, side shuffle Right, rock left over right, side shuffle left.
&1,2 Step Left together,Rock step Right over Left, replace weight onto left
3&4 Shuffle to the right side RLR
5,6 Rock step left over right, replace weight onto right,
7&8 Shuffle to the left side, LRL (3.00)

(49-56) Step Right over Left, Step back ¼, ¼ turn Right, Shuffle Forward, Rock fwd & Back, Coaster Step
1,2 Step Right over Left.step back ¼ on Left,
3&4 step ¼ Right, Shuffle forward, RLR
5,6 Rock/step forward onto Left, replace weight onto Right
7&8 Step Left back, step Right next to Left, Step Left forward (9.00)

(57-64) Paddle ¼ turn Left, Cross Shuffle to the Left, Rock, replace Cross shuffle To The Right
1,2 ¼ turn Paddle Left
3&4 Shuffle across to the left, RLR
5,6 Rock step to the left, replace weight onto right
7&8 Cross shuffle to the right LRL (6.00)

Tag: At the end of wall 1 facing 6.00, Sway hips RLRL

Restart: Wall 2, dance to beat 34(Full Turn Roll), then Shuffle ¼ turn left, restart facing 6.00

Tag & Restart: Wall 4, After the heel jacks, turn ¼ left, and sway hips RLRL, and restart facing 12.00

Tag & Restart: Wall 6, Dance to count 36, (Full turn Roll, Shuffle fwd) turn ¼ Left, sway hips RLRL,
Restart at 6.00

To Finish the dance, Wall 8, dance to beat 28, Step Forward on Right step fwd onto Left, pivot ½ Left, weight on Left, Step forward onto Right.

That’s all Folks, not toooo bad eh? ENJOY.

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