CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Baby Hush Hush

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Easy Intermediate NC2S
Maria Maag (DK) & Jannie Tofte Stoian (DK) - August 2009
Hush Hush - The Pussycat Dolls : (Album: Doll Domination)
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Tag/restart: Mini tag on wall 4 after 9 counts. Instead of doing a behind side cross (on 2&3) – you do a behind side touch R next to L, hold on count 4. Restart after that.

Note: This can be used as a floor split to Dee Musk’s wonderful dance ‘Hush Hush’

Intro: 16 count intro (app. 17 sec. into track)

(1-9) Step, step ½ turn R step, R lock step, L rock step, L back lock step sweep
1 Step fw R 12:00
2&3 Step fw L, turn ½ R stepping down on R, step fw L 06:00
4&5 Step R fw, lock L behind R, step R fw 06:00
6-7 Rock fw L, recover back onto R 06:00
8&1 Step back L, cross lock R over L, step back L sweeping R around from front to back 06:00

(10-16) Behind side cross rock, side, cross, sway R & L, behind ¼ L side
2&3 Cross R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L 04:30
4&5 Recover back onto L, step R to R side, cross L over R 07:30
6-7 Squaring up to face 06:00 step R to R swaying R side, step L to L side swaying L 06:00
8& Cross R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping L fw, 03:00

(17-24) Basic R, Basic L, Sway R & L, Back rock, Chasse ¼ R
1, 2& Step R to R side, close L behind R, cross R over L 01:30
3, 4& Step L to L side, close R behind L, cross L over R 04:30
5-6 Squaring up to face 03:00 step R to R swaying R side, step L to L side swaying L 03:00
7& Rock back on R, recover onto L 03:00
8&1 Step R to R side, close L next to R, (1) turn ¼ R stepping R fw (this being the first step of your new wall) 06:00


Maria Maag Nielsen –
Jannie Tofte Andersen (DK) -
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