CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Kate Sala (UK) - August 2009
He Wasn't There - Lily Allen : (Album: It's Not Me, It's You)
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Start after a 16 count intro.

Right Vine, Scuff, Step Forward, Touch, Step Back, Touch.
1 2 3 4 Step R to R side. Cross step L behind R. Step R to R side. Scuff L foot forward.
5 6 7 8 Step forward on L. Touch R toe next to L instep. Step back on R. Touch L toe next to R instep.

Side, Cross, Side, Kick, Step Back, Touch, Step Forward, Touch.
1 2 3 4 Step L to L side. Cross step R over L. Step L to L side. Kick R forward.
5 6 7 8 Step back on R. Touch L toe next to R instep. Step forward on L. Touch R toe next to L instep.

Walk back x 3, Touch, Forward Lock Step, Scuff.
1 2 3 4 Walk back on R, L, R. Touch L toe next to R instep.
5 6 7 8 Step forward on L. Lock step R behind L. Step forward on L. Scuff R forward.

Jazz Box With 1/4 Turn R, Weave R, Touch.
1 2 3 4 Cross step R over L. Step back on L. Turn 1/4 R stepping R out to R side. Cross step L over R.
5 6 7 8 Step R to R side. Cross step L behind R. Step R to R side. Touch L toe next to R instep. (3 o’clock).

Rumba Box
1 2 3 4 Step L out to L side. Step R next to L. Step forward on L. Touch R toe next to L instep.
5 6 7 8 Step R out to R side. Step L in next to R. Step back on R. Touch L next to R.

Side, Cross, Side, Heel Dig, Side, Cross, Side, Heel Dig.
1 2 3 4 Step L out to L side. Cross step R over L. Step L out to L side. Dig R heel forward to R diagonal.
5 6 7 8 Step R out to R side. Cross step L over R. Step R out to R side. Dig L heel forward to L diagonal.

Side Step, Touch, Montery 1/4 Turn R, Side Touch, Touch In,
1 2 Step L to L side. Touch R toe next to L instep.
3 4 Touch R toe out to R side. Pivot 1/4 turn R on L stepping R in next to L. (6 O’clock).
5 6 7 8 Touch L out to L side. Step L in next to R. Touch R toe out to R side. Touch R toe in next to L instep.

Walk Around 3/4 Turn R with Scuffs
1 2 3 4 Walk around 3/4 turn R in a small circle with R foot leading, Step, Scuff, Step, Scuff.
5 6 7 8 Complete the 3/4 turn with Step, Scuff, Step, Scuff. (3 O’clock).

Start again. Have Fun!

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