Start dance 16 counts in on vocals.
S1: Toe Strut Fwd X2. Pivot 1/2 Turn Left. Shuffle Fwd
1-4 Toe heel strut fwd with R, toe heel strut fwd with L
57-8 Step fwd R, pivot 1/2 turn L, shuffle fwd R
S2: Toe Strut Fwd X2. Pivot 1/4 Turn Rigt. Shuffle Fwd
1-4 Toe heel strut fwd with L, toe heel strut fwd with R
5-8 Step fwd L, pivot 1/4 turn R, shuffle fwd L
S3: Rocking Chair On Right. Kick Ball Change X2
1-4 Rock fwd on R, replace weight to L, rock back on R, replace weight to L
5&6,7&8 R kick ball change x2
S4: Rock Fwd Replace. Shufle Back. Rock Back Replace. Shuffle Fwd
1-2,3&4 Rock fwd on R, replace weight to L, shuffle back R
5-6,7&8 Rock back on L, replace weight to R, shuffle fwd L
S1: Toe Strut Fwd X2. Pivot 1/2 Turn Left. Shuffle Fwd
1-4 Toe heel strut fwd with R, toe heel strut fwd with L
57-8 Step fwd R, pivot 1/2 turn L, shuffle fwd R
S2: Toe Strut Fwd X2. Pivot 1/4 Turn Rigt. Shuffle Fwd
1-4 Toe heel strut fwd with L, toe heel strut fwd with R
5-8 Step fwd L, pivot 1/4 turn R, shuffle fwd L
S3: Rocking Chair On Right. Kick Ball Change X2
1-4 Rock fwd on R, replace weight to L, rock back on R, replace weight to L
5&6,7&8 R kick ball change x2
S4: Rock Fwd Replace. Shufle Back. Rock Back Replace. Shuffle Fwd
1-2,3&4 Rock fwd on R, replace weight to L, shuffle back R
5-6,7&8 Rock back on L, replace weight to R, shuffle fwd L