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Jelly Tight

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Phrased Intermediate
William Sevone (UK) - March 2009
Jam up and Jelly Tight - Tommy Roe : (CD: Greatest Hits / Many Compilations)
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Dance sequence:- 32-20-Bridge-32-Tag-32-20-Bridge-32-Tag-32-20f
Choreographers note:- This dance having both complete and short walls, Bridges, Tags and Restarts should
have been called ‘Its Got The Lot’. But as it’s also regular phrased (see above) and only a short piece of music
– once you start to dance, you won’t even notice.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts with main vocals – feet slightly apart, weight on left.

2x High Hitch-Touch-Behind-1/2 Turn (12:00)
1 – 2 Hitch right - high and across left. Touch right to right side.
3 – 4 Step right behind left. Unwind ½ right (weight on right) (6).
5 – 6 Hitch left - high and across right. Touch left to left side.
7 – 8 Step left behind right. Unwind ½ left (weight on left) (12).

2x Diagonal Cross-Touch. 2x 1/2 Turn Hitch (12:00)
9 – 10 (diagonal left) Cross right over left. Touch left to left side.
11 – 12 (diagonal right) Cross left over right. Touch right to right side.
Style note: Perform forward ‘hand rolls’ during 9-12
13 – 14 Hitching right knee – turn ½ left on left foot and step right to right side over 2 counts (6)
15 – 16 Hitching left knee – turn ½ left on right foot and step left to left side over 2 counts (12)

Cross Rock. Rec. Twinkle Step. Side. Cross Rock. Rec. Together (12:00)
17 – 18 Cross rock right over left. Recover onto left.
&19&20 Step right next to left, cross left over right, step right next to left, step left behind right.

BRIDGE: Bridge coincides with drums on walls 2 and 5 only
With each completion – restart the dance from count 1
Twox Side Hip Bumps-Together Shoulder Shimmies
A – B (hands at side of head). Step right to right - bump hips twice to right whilst placing weight to centre.
C – D Stepping right next to left & slightly forward (arms facing backward and upper body leaning forward)
- shimmy/isolate shoulders twice.
A – B Repeat.
C – D Repeat.

21 – 22 Step right to right side. Cross rock left over right.
23 – 24 Recover onto right. Step left next to right.

2x Crossing Toe Heel Strut-Side Rock. Recover
25 – 26 Cross right toe over left. Drop right heel.
27 – 28 Rock left to left side. Recover onto right.
29 – 30 Cross left toe over right. Drop left heel.
31 – 32 Rock right to right side. Recover onto left.

TAG: End of Wall 3 and 6 only:
4x 1/4 Left Touch
1 – 4 (turning on ball of left) Turn ¼ left – touching/tapping right to right side.

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