CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Patsy And Me

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Gail Wilson (SCO) - March 2009
A Bottle of Wine and Patsy Cline - Linda Gravelle
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Dance starts on main vocals.

Two x Rock-Recover-1/2 Turn Fwd. Rock. Recover. Fwd 1 & 1/2 Turns (6:00)
1 - 2 Rock fwd on right. Recover onto left
& Turn ½ right & step fwd onto right
3 - 4 Rock fwd onto left. Recover onto right.
& Turn ½ left & step fwd onto left.
5 - 6 Rock fwd onto right. Recover onto left
7& 8 Turn ½ right & step fwd onto right, turn ½ right & step bwd onto left, turn ½ right step fwd on right

Walks:L-R, 2x 1/2 Turn Twist. Fwd. Pivot 1/2 Right. Fwd. Full Turn Fwd (12:00)
1 - 2 Walk fwd: Left-Right
3 - 4 (bending at knees) Twist ½ left (12). (straightening up) Twist ½ right (6).
Hands: 2: right palm up at side of head. 3: palm still up - sweep from side to front (head to chest)
5 - 6 Step fwd onto left. Pivot ½ right (12).
Hands: 5: left hand outward at waist level. 6: sweep hand with turn.
7& 8 Step fwd left, turn ½ left & step bwd onto right, turn ½ left & step fwd onto left.

Sway x2. Behind-Side-Cross. Sway. Recover. 1/2 Left Lunge. Drag (6:00)
1 - 2 Sway right to right side. Sway onto left.
Hands: count 1: extend both arms to sides. Count 2: bring both arms in.
3& 4 Step right behind left, step left next to right, cross right over left
5 - 6 Sway left to left side. Recover onto right
7 - 8 Turn ½ left & take big step to left (6). Slide right next to left (weight on left).

Make 1 & 1/4 Circle Shuffle. Fwd. Sweep 1/2 Left (3:00)
1& 2 Half circle Shuffle turning right (right-left-right) (12)
3& 4 Half circle Shuffle turning right (left-right-left) (6)
5& 6 Quarter circle Shuffle turning right (right-left-right) (9)
7 - 8 Step fwd onto left. Turn ½ left – sweeping right from back to front – touch right to side.

Tag: End of Wall 2
1 - 2 Turn ¼ left & step down onto right (12). Touch/tap left toe fwd – clicking right
fingers at head height.
3 - 4 Transferring weight to left – drop heel & turn ½ right (6). Touch/tap right toe fwd – clicking left
fingers at head height.
5 - 6 Turn ¼ left & step fwd onto right (3). Pivot ½ left (9) & touch/tap left toe fwd – clicking right
fingers at head height
7 - 8 Transferring weight to left – drop heel & turn ½ right (3).
Touch/tap right toe fwd – clicking left fingers at head height.
Note: The finger clicks can be performed with either just the left or right hand if found easier.
9& 10 Quarter circle Shuffle turning right (right-left-right) (6)
11& 12 Quarter circle Shuffle turning right (left-right-left) (9)
13 - 14 Turn ½ left – sweeping right from back to front – touch right to side (6). Hold.

Tag: End of Wall 4
1 - 2 Stepping onto right - sway hips to right. Sway hips to left.

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