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One Of These Nights

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Amy Christian (USA) - February 2009
One of These Nights - Eagles
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There are fun, funky options for Intermediate dancers

Step Fwd, Touch, L Coaster, Step Fwd, Touch, L Coaster
1-2 Step fwd on R foot(1), Touch L foot fwd, (lean back slightly, for styling)(2),
3&4 L Coaster step,
5-6 Step fwd on R foot(5), Touch L fwd, (lean back slightly, for styling)(6),
7&8 L Coaster step,

Step, Pivot ½, Shuffle Fwd, Step, Pivot ½, Shuffle Fwd
1-2 Step fwd on R foot, Pivot ½ turn left stepping L foot fwd,
3&4 Step fwd on R foot, Step L next to L, Step fwd on R foot,
5-6 Step fwd on L foot, Pivot ½ turn right stepping R foot,
7&8 Step L foot fwd, Step R foot next to L, Step fwd on L foot,

Side, Together, Chasse, Cross Rock, ¼ Turn Shuffle
1-2 Step R foot to right side, Step L foot next to R foot,
3&4 Step R foot to right side, Step L foot next to R foot, Step R foot to right side,
5-6 Step L foot across R foot, Recover on R foot,
7&8 ¼ Turn left stepping L foot fwd, Step R foot next to L foot, Step L foot forward,

Out, Out, In, In, Out, Out, In, In
1-4 Step R foot to right side(1), Step L foot to left side(2), Step R foot in(3), Step L foot next to R foot(4),
*5-8 Step R foot to right side(1), Step L foot to left side(2), Step R foot in(3), Step L foot next to R foot(4),

Start Again

* FUNKY - FUN OPTIONAL STEPS - for the last 4 counts of the dance. Replace counts

*5-8 with these steps. These steps will hit the beat perfectly.

*1) For the END of Walls 2, 5 and 8, - (Part B) - OUT, OUT, LOOK RIGHT, HOLD,
&5 Step R foot to R side(&), Step L foot to L side(5),
6-8 Look Right and Hold.

*2) For the END of Walls 3 and 6, - (Part C) – Syncopated OUT, OUT, IN, IN, FWD BODY ROLL or HIP ROLL (This part can also be used at the Intro.)
5&6& Step R foot to R side(5), Step L foot to L side(&), Step R foot in(6), Step L foot next to R foot(&),
7-8 Fwd Body Roll or CCW Hip Roll.

Sequence: The original steps will be called A. (Use Part C for Intro) A,B,C. A,B,C, A,B, A,A,A,A,A.

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