CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Keeps Getting Better (Beginner).

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Amy Christian (USA) - January 2009
Keeps Gettin' Better - Christina Aguilera
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Intro: 32 Count

Walk, Walk, Press Out, Step, Walk, Walk, Press Out, Step
1-2 Step fwd on R foot, Step fwd on L foot,
3-4 Press R to R side, Step R next to L, (Alternative step - &3-4 Mambo R),
5-6 Step fwd on L foot, Step fwd on R foot,
7-8 Press L to L side, Step L next to R, (Alternative step - &7-8 Mambo L),

Rocking Chair, Pivot 1/4, Step Together, Shoulder Pops (or Clap, Clap)
1-4 Rock fwd on R foot, Recover on L foot, Rock back on R foot, Recover on L foot,
5-6 ¼ Turn left, stepping R foot to R side, Step L foot next to R,
7 Pop R shoulder up as L shoulder goes down,
8 Pop L shoulder up as shoulder goes down,
(Alternative steps for the Shoulder Pops - Clap twice on counts 7-8)

Vine R, (Hitch), Hip Bumps,
1-4 Step R foot to R side, Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Touch L next to R, (or Hitch L foot(4), then put foot down and do the bumps),
5-6 Bump L hip twice, Bump R hip twice, (or Bump L, R, L, R),

Vine L, (Hitch), Hip Bumps,
1-4 Step L foot to L side, Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Touch R next to L, (or Hitch R foot(4), then put foot down and do the bumps),
5-6 Bump R hip twice, Bump L hip twice,(or Bump R, L, R, L),

Diagonal Fwd Step, Touch X 2, Diagonal Back, Touch, X 2
1-2 Step R foot diagonally fwd, Touch L next to R,
3-4 Step L foot diagonally fwd, Touch R next to L,
5-6 Step R foot diagonally back, Touch L foot next to R,
7-8 Step L foot diagonally back, Touch R foot next to L,

Back, Back, Back, Together, Fwd Body Roll (or Look R, Look L), Heel Bounces
1-4 Walk 3 steps back, R, L, R, Step L foot next to R foot,
5-6 Roll body fwd, (pretend there is a big hole above your head and you are trying to get into it ) Or replace the Body Roll with – Look R(5), Look L(6),
7-8 With knees bent, Bounce heels twice.

Start again!

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