Dance sequence:- 32–20–32–32–32–20–32–32-finale
Choreographers note:- Though levelled for the Intermediate dancer, the experienced Advanced Beginner may
find this challenging enough to want to learn and move up a level.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts after the intro and after JJ sings ‘My Life’ – after ‘My Life’, count 3-2-1 then start dance.
Side. Behind. 1/4 Right Fwd. 1/2 Right Fwd. Fwd Full Turn. Touch-Cross-Side (9:00)
1 – 2 Step right to right side. Step left behind right.
3 & 4 Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right (9), turn ½ right (3), step forward onto left.
5 – 6 Step forward onto right. Turn full turn left & step forward onto left
7& 8 shoulders to left - Touch right toe to right side, cross right over left, step left to left side..
Make 1/4 Right Bwd. Back Touch. Step Lockstep. 1/2 Left Bwd. Back Touch. Cross: L-R (6:00)
9 – 10 Turn ¼ right & step backward onto right (12). Touch left toe backward.
11& 12 Step forward onto left, lock right behind left, step forward onto left.
13 – 14 Turn ½ left & step backward onto right (6). Touch left toe backward.
15 – 16 Cross left diagonally over right. Cross right diagonally over left..
Hitch. 1/2 Left Side. Cross. Bwd. 1/4 Right Side. Rec. Rock-Rec-Side (3:00)
17 – 18 Hitch left knee (diagonal left). Turn ½ left & step left to left side (12).
19 – 20 Cross right over left. Step backward onto left
RESTART: Wall 2 and 6: (see dance sequence) restart the dance from count 1
21 – 22 Turn ¼ right & rock onto right (3). Recover onto left.
23& 24 Rock right behind left, recover onto left, (prep to turn) step right to right side.
Turn 3/4 Left Fwd. Cross. Bwd Step Lockstep. Walk Bwd: R-L. 1/4 Right Rock. Rec (9:00)
25 – 26 Turn ¾ left & step forward onto left (6). Cross right over left.
27& 28 Step backward onto left, lock right across front of left, step back onto left.
29 – 30 with slight sweep – Walk backward: R-L.
31 – 32 Turn ¼ right & rock right to right side (9). Recover/rock onto left.
DANCE FINISH: Wall 8 count 32 (6:00) – basic finale
33 – 34 Step right behind left. Unwind ½ right (weight on right).
35 – 36 Cross left over right. Touch right toe to right side.
The piano will continue (becoming slower) for another 20 plus counts
– be a free spirit and create your own personal finale.
Choreographers note:- Though levelled for the Intermediate dancer, the experienced Advanced Beginner may
find this challenging enough to want to learn and move up a level.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts after the intro and after JJ sings ‘My Life’ – after ‘My Life’, count 3-2-1 then start dance.
Side. Behind. 1/4 Right Fwd. 1/2 Right Fwd. Fwd Full Turn. Touch-Cross-Side (9:00)
1 – 2 Step right to right side. Step left behind right.
3 & 4 Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right (9), turn ½ right (3), step forward onto left.
5 – 6 Step forward onto right. Turn full turn left & step forward onto left
7& 8 shoulders to left - Touch right toe to right side, cross right over left, step left to left side..
Make 1/4 Right Bwd. Back Touch. Step Lockstep. 1/2 Left Bwd. Back Touch. Cross: L-R (6:00)
9 – 10 Turn ¼ right & step backward onto right (12). Touch left toe backward.
11& 12 Step forward onto left, lock right behind left, step forward onto left.
13 – 14 Turn ½ left & step backward onto right (6). Touch left toe backward.
15 – 16 Cross left diagonally over right. Cross right diagonally over left..
Hitch. 1/2 Left Side. Cross. Bwd. 1/4 Right Side. Rec. Rock-Rec-Side (3:00)
17 – 18 Hitch left knee (diagonal left). Turn ½ left & step left to left side (12).
19 – 20 Cross right over left. Step backward onto left
RESTART: Wall 2 and 6: (see dance sequence) restart the dance from count 1
21 – 22 Turn ¼ right & rock onto right (3). Recover onto left.
23& 24 Rock right behind left, recover onto left, (prep to turn) step right to right side.
Turn 3/4 Left Fwd. Cross. Bwd Step Lockstep. Walk Bwd: R-L. 1/4 Right Rock. Rec (9:00)
25 – 26 Turn ¾ left & step forward onto left (6). Cross right over left.
27& 28 Step backward onto left, lock right across front of left, step back onto left.
29 – 30 with slight sweep – Walk backward: R-L.
31 – 32 Turn ¼ right & rock right to right side (9). Recover/rock onto left.
DANCE FINISH: Wall 8 count 32 (6:00) – basic finale
33 – 34 Step right behind left. Unwind ½ right (weight on right).
35 – 36 Cross left over right. Touch right toe to right side.
The piano will continue (becoming slower) for another 20 plus counts
– be a free spirit and create your own personal finale.