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Soul Bossa

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William Sevone (UK) - September 2008
Soul Bossa Nova - Quincy Jones
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Dance sequence:- 48-48-32-48-32-32-32-48-32-f16
Choreographers note:- The steps may look simple.. it’s the multiple restarts that will get you thinking.
Faster and ‘funkier’ than the original laid back syncopated Bossa Nova style, but full use of the hips and
arms will go some way in recapturing the original flavour. Short steps are essential with this type of dance.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts with the ‘flutes’ after 19 second intro with feet together and weight on the right.

Two x Rock Fwd-Recover-Coaster (12:00)
1 – 2 pushing hips left & down - Rock forward onto left. Recover onto right.
3& 4 Step backward onto left, step right next to left, step forward onto left.
5 – 6 pushing hips right & down - Rock forward onto right. Recover onto left.
7& 8 Step backward onto right, step left next to right, step forward onto right.
Alternative: 2x Rock-Recover-Side-Recover-Flick (12:00)
1 – 2 pushing hips left & down - Rock forward onto left. Recover onto right.
3& 4 Rock left to left side, recover onto right, flick-kick left to forward left.
5 – 6 pushing hips left & down - Rock backward onto left. Recover onto right.
7& 8 Rock left to left side, recover onto right, flick-kick left to forward left

Behind. 1/4 Right Fwd. Cross-Bwd-Touch. 1/2 Left. Touch. Side-Recover-Touch (9:00)
9 – 10 Step left behind right. Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right (3).
11& 12 Cross left over right, step backward onto right, touch left toe backward.
13 – 14 With weight onto left – turn ½ left - dropping heel (9). Touch right toe next to left – knee forward.
15& 16 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, touch right toe next to left – knee forward.

Make 3/4 Hip Bump Turn. 4x Cross Over (12:00)
17 – 18 Turning ¼ left (6) step forward onto right. Turning ¼ left (3) transfer weight to left.
19 – 20 Transfer weight onto right. Turning ¼ left - step left next to right (12).
Dance note: Counts 17-19: Bump hips or sway with ¼ turns and weight transfer.
21 – 22 Cross right over left. Cross left over right.
23 – 24 Cross right over left. Cross left over right.
Dance note: Counts 21-24: on-the-spot.

Turn 1/2 Right. 3x Sway. Behind. 1/2 Left. Hip. Touch (see note for restart) (12:00)
25 Unwind ½ right (weight on left) (6)
26 – 28 Dipping slightly – Sway to right. Sway to Left. Sway to Right (see note below).
Style note: During the sways – try pushing out your bottom/bum/tush.
29 – 30 Step left behind right. Unwind ½ left (weight on left) (12).
31 – 32 Push hips to left & touch right toe next to left. Touch right to right side (see note below)
RESTART: Walls 3,5,6,7 and 9: Count 32: STEP right to side – then restart the dance from count 1.
There is a notable change within the music for the restarts.

Two x Rock Fwd-Recover-Coaster or Alternative (12:00)
33 – 34 pushing hips right & down - Rock forward onto right. Recover onto left.
35& 36 Step backward onto right, step left next to right, step forward onto right.
37 – 38 pushing hips left & down - Rock forward onto left. Recover onto right.
39& 40 Step backward onto left, step right next to left, step forward onto left.

Behind. 1/4 Left Fwd. Cross-Bwd-Touch. 1/2 Right. Touch. Side-Recover-Cross (3:00)
41 – 42 Step right behind left. Turn ¼ left & step forward onto left (9).
43& 44 Cross right over left, step backward onto left, touch right toe backward.
45 – 46 With weight onto right – turn ½ right - dropping heel (3). Touch left toe next to right – knee forward.
47& 48 Rock left to left side, recover onto right, touch left toe next to right.

Dance finish: Count 16 (facing ‘home’) during the music fade out on Wall 10.

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