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Like I Do

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William Sevone (UK) - November 2008
Like I Do - Maureen Evans
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Choreographers note:- This dance is ideally suited and aimed for the Beginner who is experienced enough
to incorporate a restart (and a little ‘styling’) into their learning curve and dances - much in the same way as
the dance ‘TAG’ did.
Technically not a Cha Cha - but you can add as much the associated Latino styling and flair as you want to.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts after the 16 count intro on the vocals. Feet together and weight on the left.

Side Rock-Rec-Behind. Rock. Rec. Side Rock-Rec-Cross. Rock. Rec (12:00).
1& 2 Rock right to right side, recover onto left, step right behind left.
3 – 4 Rock forward onto left. Recover onto right.
5& 6 Rock left to left side, recover onto right, cross left over right.
7 – 8 Rock backward onto right. Recover onto left.

(Dip Rock-Rec-Together-Bwd-1/2 Turn-Together) x2 (12:00)
9 (dipping at knees & on balls of feet) Rock forward onto right,
& (straightening up – still on balls of feet) Recover onto left,
10 (full foot on floor) Step right next to left.
11 – 12 Step backward onto left. Turn ½ left & step right next to left (6).
13 (dipping at knees & on balls of feet) Rock forward onto left,
& (straightening up – still on balls of feet) Recover onto right,
14 (full foot on floor) Step left next to right.
15 – 16 Step backward onto right. Turn ½ right & step left next to right (12).
Style note: Count 9&, 13&: add a little hip and shoulder movement
RESTART: Wall 5: restart the dance (and wall) from Count 1

Cross-Bwd-1/4 Right Fwd. Fwd. Pivot 1/2 Right.Cross-Bwd-1/4 Right Fwd. Side. Together (6:00)
17& 18 Cross right over left, step backward onto left, turn ¼ right & step forward onto right (3)
19 – 20 Step forward onto left. Pivot ½ right (weight on right) (9)
21& 22 Cross left over right, step backward onto right, turn ¼ left & step forward onto left (6)
23 – 24 Step left to left side. Step right next to left.

Side-Cross-Point. Behind. Point. Behind-1/4 Left Bwd-Fwd. Rock. Rec (3:00)
25& 26 Step right (slightly backward) to right side, cross left over right, point right toe to right side.
27 – 28 Step right (slightly backward) behind left. Point left toe to left side.
29& 30 Step left behind right, turn ¼ left & step backward onto right (3), Step left forward.
31 – 32 Rock forward onto right. Recover onto left.

DANCE FINISH: Wall 7 Count 16 facing 6:00.
To finish the dance facing the ‘home’ wall, replace counts 15-16 with –
15& 16 Triple step/Cha Cha Cha onto spot FULL turn right stepping R.L-R.

Music Note: Derived from the ‘The Dance Of The Hours’ from the Opera ‘La Gioconda’ by Ponchielli.
This recording by Maureen Evans predates the famous Allan Sherman classic ‘Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah’.

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