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Love Really Hurts

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Micaela Svensson Erlandsson (SWE) - November 2008
Love Really Hurts Without You - Billy Ocean
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Intro: 16


Or Music:
Dancing In The Moonlight on Onka's Big Moka by Toploader, 120 BPM
Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car by Billy Ocean, 117 BPM

Section A
Kick Ball Change Right, Rock Right, Kick Ball Change Right, Rock Right
1&2 Kick right forward. Step right beside left. Step onto left in place
3-4 Rock to right side on right. Rock onto left in place.
5&6 Kick right forward. Step right beside left. Step onto left in place.
7-8 Rock to right side on right. Rock onto left in place.

Cross, Lock, Lock Forward Right, Rock Forward Left, Shuffle 1/2 Turn Left
9-10 Cross Right over left. Lock left behind right.
11&12 Step forward right. Lock left behind right. Step forward right
13-14 Rock forward on left. Rock back on right.
15&16 Shuffle step back making 1/2 turn left, stepping - left, right, left.

Point Right,Step, Point Left,Step, Point Right, Clap, Cross And Unwind 3/4 Left, Coaster Step Left
17&18 Point right toe to right side. Step Right beside left. Point left toe to left side.
&19-20 Step left beside right. Point right toe to right side. Clap hands.
21-22 Cross right over left. Unwind 3/4 turn left. (end with weight on right foot)
23&24 Step back left. Step right beside left. Step forward left.

Side Step, Hold, Side Shuffle. Toe, Heel, Toe, Heel, (Dwight's)
25-26 Step Right large step to Right side, Hold.
&27 Close Left beside Right, Step Right to Right side.
&28 Close Left beside Right, Step Right to Right side.
29 Touch left toe to right heel (right-heel pointing inwards), swiveling to left on right.
30 Touch left heel next to right toe (right-toe pointing inwards).
31 Swiveling to left on right, Touch left toe to right heel (right-heel pointing inwards).
32 Swiveling to left on right, Touch left h eel to right toe (right-toe pointing inwards)Move weight to left foot.

Section B. Repeat Steps 1-28 from Section A
Dance steps 1-28 then move your weight to left foot, for you to be able to either do the C Section, or restart.

Section C
Step, Touch , Step, Touch, Toe, Heel, Toe, Heel, Toe, Heel, Toe, Heel
1-2 Step right to right, Touch left beside right
3-4 Step left to left, Touch right beside left
5 Touch right toe to left heel (left-heel pointing inwards), swiveling to right on left
6 Touch right heel next to left toe (left-toe pointing inwards).
7 Swiveling to right on left, Touch right toe to left heel (left-heel pointing inwards)
8 Swiveling to right on left, Touch right heel to left toe (left-toe pointing inwards)

Step, Touch, Step, Touch
9-10 Step right to right, touch left beside right
11-12 Step left to left, touch right beside left
Options: Make Grapevine left instead of Dwight's (steps 29-32, Section A)Make Gr apevines right instead of Dwight's (5-8, Section C)

For Dancing in the Moonlight or Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car, dance the FIRST 32 steps (section A) then start over!

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