CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Always Have, Always Will

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Emily Ding (MY) - October 2008
Always Have, Always Will - Ace of Base
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Start dance on the lyric..

Right diagonal forward left lock right forward touch. Left diagonal forward, lock right, left forward touch
1 2 3 4 Right diagonal forward, left lock behind, right forward, left touch.
5 6 7 8 Left diagonal forward, right lock behind, left forward, right touch.

Right diagonal back, hook left cross, Left diagonal back, hook right cross, Right side left behind ¼ right, scuff left foot (clip) (3:00)
1 2 3 4 Right diagonal back step, left hook across right (clap hands at right side, head turn to left) Left diagonal back step, right hook across left (clap hands at left side, head turn to right) optional action
5 6 7 8 Right step side, left step behind ,right turn ¼ right step, scuff left beside (clip). (3:00)

Left forward tap right behind, step right behind, left heel forward, Left forward rock recover stomp left , stomp right.
1 2 3 4 Left forward, tap right behind, step right behind,. Left heel forward.
5 6 7 8 Left forward rock recover right. stomp left beside right, Stomp right (3:00)

Left forward pivot ½ right. stomp left stomp right, Twist right left right flick right diagonal right,(9:00)
1 2 3 4 Left forward pivot ½ right, left forward stomp, right stomp.(clap x2) (9:00)
5 6 7 8 twist both feet close to the right, to left, to right, flick right behind(turn head to left)

Happy dancing to all ! from

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