Advanced Beginner
Choreographers note:- Many people will remember this classic song and maybe sing-along with it.
Do the dance with the same vibrancy. Ideally suited for the experienced Advanced Beginner (new levels).
Total dance sequence: 48–48–32–48–48–48– 8 (see ‘Dance finish’ note at bottom of script)
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on the main vocals after 15sec intro, feet together, weight on the right.
Rock. Touch. Back. Touch. Fwd-Lockstep. Fwd. Pivot 1/2 Left (6:00)
1 – 2 Rock forward onto left. Touch right behind left heel.
3 – 4 Step backward onto right. Touch left next to right.
5& 6 Step forward onto left, lock right behind left, step forward onto left.
7 – 8 Step forward onto right. Pivot ½ left (weight on left).
Rock. Touch. Back. Touch. Fwd-Lockstep. Fwd. Pivot 1/2 Right (12:00)
9 – 10 Rock forward onto right. Touch left behind right heel.
11 – 12 Step backward onto left. Touch right next to left.
13& 14 Step forward onto right, lock left behind right, step forward onto right.
15 – 16 Step forward onto left. Pivot ½ right (weight on right).
Side Rock. 1/4 Fwd. 1/4 Side. Behind. 1/4 Fwd. 1/4 Side. Together. Kick (12:00)
17 – 18 Rock left to left side. Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right (3).
19 – 20 Turn ¼ right & step left to left side (6). Step right behind left.
21 – 22 Turn ¼ left & step left forward (3). Turn ¼ left & step right to right side (12).
23 – 24 Touch left next to right. With upper body turned left - kick left diagonally right.
Turn 1/4, Fwd. 1/4 Side. Behind. 1/4 Fwd. 1/4 Side. Together. Kick. Rock Bwd (12:00)
25 – 26 Turn ¼ left & step forward onto left (9). Turn ¼ left & step right to right side (6).
27 – 28 Step left behind right. Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right (9).
29 – 30 Turn ¼ right & step left to left side. Touch right next to left.
31 – 32 With upper body turned right - kick right diagonally left. Rock backward onto right.
RESTART: Wall 3: Short wall - restart dance from Count 1.
Fwd Punch-Hip Bumps x4 (12:00)
33& 34 Step forward onto left – punching left fist forward, bump hips left x2
35& 35 Step forward onto right – punching right fist forward, bump hips right x2
37& 38 Step forward onto left – punching left fist forward, bump hips left x2
39& 40 Step forward onto right – punching right fist forward, bump hips right x2
Bwd Bouncing Kickstep x4 (12:00)
41& 42 (moving backward) Bouncing on right foot, kick left forward, step back onto left.
42& 44 (moving backward) Bouncing on left foot, kick right forward, step back onto right.
45& 46 (moving backward) Bouncing on right foot, kick left forward, step back onto left.
47& 48 (moving backward) Bouncing on left foot, kick right forward, step back onto right.
Style note: Swing arms (a’la ‘Punk’) during whole section.
Dance finishes on Count 8 of the 7th wall.
To finish the dance with a ‘flourish’, add the following:
1–2 Step forward onto right. Pivot ½ left (weight on left).
3–4 Step right to right side – punching right fist in the air. (right still up) Punch left fist into air.
Do the dance with the same vibrancy. Ideally suited for the experienced Advanced Beginner (new levels).
Total dance sequence: 48–48–32–48–48–48– 8 (see ‘Dance finish’ note at bottom of script)
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on the main vocals after 15sec intro, feet together, weight on the right.
Rock. Touch. Back. Touch. Fwd-Lockstep. Fwd. Pivot 1/2 Left (6:00)
1 – 2 Rock forward onto left. Touch right behind left heel.
3 – 4 Step backward onto right. Touch left next to right.
5& 6 Step forward onto left, lock right behind left, step forward onto left.
7 – 8 Step forward onto right. Pivot ½ left (weight on left).
Rock. Touch. Back. Touch. Fwd-Lockstep. Fwd. Pivot 1/2 Right (12:00)
9 – 10 Rock forward onto right. Touch left behind right heel.
11 – 12 Step backward onto left. Touch right next to left.
13& 14 Step forward onto right, lock left behind right, step forward onto right.
15 – 16 Step forward onto left. Pivot ½ right (weight on right).
Side Rock. 1/4 Fwd. 1/4 Side. Behind. 1/4 Fwd. 1/4 Side. Together. Kick (12:00)
17 – 18 Rock left to left side. Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right (3).
19 – 20 Turn ¼ right & step left to left side (6). Step right behind left.
21 – 22 Turn ¼ left & step left forward (3). Turn ¼ left & step right to right side (12).
23 – 24 Touch left next to right. With upper body turned left - kick left diagonally right.
Turn 1/4, Fwd. 1/4 Side. Behind. 1/4 Fwd. 1/4 Side. Together. Kick. Rock Bwd (12:00)
25 – 26 Turn ¼ left & step forward onto left (9). Turn ¼ left & step right to right side (6).
27 – 28 Step left behind right. Turn ¼ right & step forward onto right (9).
29 – 30 Turn ¼ right & step left to left side. Touch right next to left.
31 – 32 With upper body turned right - kick right diagonally left. Rock backward onto right.
RESTART: Wall 3: Short wall - restart dance from Count 1.
Fwd Punch-Hip Bumps x4 (12:00)
33& 34 Step forward onto left – punching left fist forward, bump hips left x2
35& 35 Step forward onto right – punching right fist forward, bump hips right x2
37& 38 Step forward onto left – punching left fist forward, bump hips left x2
39& 40 Step forward onto right – punching right fist forward, bump hips right x2
Bwd Bouncing Kickstep x4 (12:00)
41& 42 (moving backward) Bouncing on right foot, kick left forward, step back onto left.
42& 44 (moving backward) Bouncing on left foot, kick right forward, step back onto right.
45& 46 (moving backward) Bouncing on right foot, kick left forward, step back onto left.
47& 48 (moving backward) Bouncing on left foot, kick right forward, step back onto right.
Style note: Swing arms (a’la ‘Punk’) during whole section.
Dance finishes on Count 8 of the 7th wall.
To finish the dance with a ‘flourish’, add the following:
1–2 Step forward onto right. Pivot ½ left (weight on left).
3–4 Step right to right side – punching right fist in the air. (right still up) Punch left fist into air.