CopperKnob Stepsheets

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As Good As You Look

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Beginner / Easy Intermediate
Gordon Timms (UK) - October 2008
Do You Love As Good As You Look - The Bellamy Brothers : (CD: The Very Best Of The….)
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Intro: 16 Counts intro….start the dance on the vocals.

SECTION 1: Two walks forward (or Skates), Right Forward Shuffle, Step left ¼ turn right, Left Crossing Shuffle.
1 - 2 Walk (Skate) forward right, Walk (Skate) forward left… (** Option: Full Turn)
3 & 4 Right Shuffle Forward
5 - 6 Step forward on Left and pivot turn Quarter turn right weight ends on right
7 & 8 Cross Left across Right – Right to right side - Cross left across right.
Faces 3.00

SECTION 2: Half turn over left shoulder, Right Crossing Shuffle, Point & Kick, ¼ Turn left, Left Coaster Step
1 - 2 Step right back Quarter Turn Left – Step Left Quarter Turn to Left Side
3 & 4 Cross right across left, step left to left side, cross right across left.
5 - 6 Point left to side (5) kick out as you turn ¼ left on the ball of right foot.(6) (6.00)
7 & 8 Step back on left, step right next to left, step left slightly forward.
Faces 6.00

SECTION 3: Rock & recover, Triple ½ turn right, Step Left pivot ¾ Turn Right, Left Side Shuffle.
1 - 2 Rock forward on right and recover
3 & 4 Make a ½ turn right with a triple step…stepping R-L-R
5 - 6 Step forward on left and pivot turn ¾ right…weight ends on right.
7 & 8 Left Side Shuffle. L-R-L
Faces 9.00

SECTION 4: Rock and Recover, Kick Right Ball Change, Step forward pivot ½ turn left, Kick Right Ball change.
1 - 2 Rock back on right behind left and recover
3 & 4 Right kick ball change…step left slightly forward.
5 - 6 Step forward on right and pivot turn ½ left…weight ends on left.
7 & 8 Kick Right Forward Ball change + Step on left
Faces 3.00

END OF DANCE: (If you want to finish on the front wall, do the ½ triple turn right as the music fades)

** Please only put this option in at the second wall as not to confuse other dancers at start?


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