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Shut Up & Let Me Go

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John "Grrowler" Rowell (UK) - September 2008
Shut Up and Let Me Go - The Ting Tings : (CD: We Started Nothing, 2:53)
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Intro: 0 seconds then 16 counts / 9 seconds (Vocals start on second wall)
Rotation: CW
Numbers in square brackets [ ] indicate facing wall and turn rotation. Start facing [9]

(1-8) Ball Cross, Kick Right, Behind–Side-Front, Pop, Twist, Left Shuffle.
&1-2 (&)Step right next to left, (1)cross left over right, (2)low kick forward with right. [9]
3&4 (3)Step right behind left, (&)step left to left, (4)cross right over front of left. [9]
5 (5)Tap left toe forward popping left knee across right. [9]
6 (6)Keeping toe on floor turn knee back to 9 o’clock. [9]
7&8 (7)Step left forward, (&)step right next to left, (8)step left forward. [9]

(9-16) Step-Half Pivot, Right Dorothy, Out Left-Right, Ball Cross, Step Left.
1-2 (1)Step right forward, (2)pivot half turn left. [CCW, 3]
3-4& (3)Step right forward on right diagonal, (4)lock left behind right, (&)step right forward on diagonal. [3]
5-6 (5)Step left to left bumping hip left, (6)step right to right bumping hip right. [3]
7&8 (7)Step left next to right, (&)cross right over left, (8)step left to left. [3]

(17-24) Back Right-Left, Right Coaster Step, Step Left Turning Right, Back Rock, Recover, Quarter Turn Right , Half Turn Right.
1-2 (1)Step back right, (2)step back left. [3]
Steps 1, 2 can be replaced with a full turn right travelling backwards
3&4 (3)Step back right, (&)step left next to right, (4)step forward right. [3]
5-6& (5)Step left forward turning quarter right [CW], (6)rock right behind left, (&)recover on left. [6]
7-8 (7)Step right quarter turn right [CW], (8)on ball of right pivot half right stepping back on left. [CW. 3]

(25-32) Quarter Turn Right, Forward Left-Right, Knee Pops, Cross-Unwind, Cross-Step-Tap.
1-2 (1)Step right quarter turn right [CW], (2)step forward left. [6]
3&4 (3)Step forward right, (&)lift both heels popping knees forward, (4)drop both heels. [6]
5-6 (5)Cross right over front of left, (6)unwind half turn left. [CCW, 12]
7&8 (7)Cross right over front of left, (&)step left to left, (8)tap right toe to right. [12]

Start again………………with a BIG smile

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