Touch Out, Touch Out, Sailor Step, Knees Forward, Shuffle Backwards.
1 RF touch right.
& RF touch next LF.
2 RF touch right.
3 RF cross behind LF.
& LF next RF.
4 RF step forward.
5 L knee forward.
& R knee forward.
6 L knee forward.
& Change weight to LF.
7 RF step backwards.
& LF in front LF.
8 RF step backwards.
Coaster Step, Point Forward, Point Backwards, Kick Kick, ¼ Turn With Swivel.
1 LF step backwards.
& RF next LF.
2 LF step forward.
3 RF point forward.
4 RF point backwards.
5 RF kick forward.
& RF next LF.
6 LF kick forward.
& LF next to RF.
7 RF step forward.
& Swivel both feet to right.
8 ¼ turn over left.
Apple Jack Right, Apple Jack Left, Apple Jacks Right, Lock Steps.
1 Swivel L heel forward, while doing this touch right heel forward.
& Both feet recover next to each other.
2 Swivel R heel forward, while doing this touch L heel forward.
& Both feet recover next to each other.
3 Swivel L heel forward, while doing this touch right heel forward.
& Both feet recover next to each other.
4 Swivel L heel forward, while doing this touch right heel forward.
& Put weight on RF.
5 LF step diagonal to left.
& RF backwards LF.
6 LF step diagonal to left.
& RF backwards LF.
7 LF step diagonal to left.
& RF backwards LF.
8 LF step diagonal to left.
Step Out To Right, ½ Turn Left. Knee Out And Normal, Shoulder Pop, Step Out Left.
1 RF step to right, while doing this put L hand on right shoulder and wipe of some dirt.
2 Hold but keep on whipping dirt from shoulder.
3 LF cross behind RF.
4 ½ turn over left, put weight on LF.
5 L knee out.
& L knee normal.
6 Pop L shoulder up.
7 LF step to left.
& Recover weight on RF.
8 Recover weight on LF.
Start again
1 RF touch right.
& RF touch next LF.
2 RF touch right.
3 RF cross behind LF.
& LF next RF.
4 RF step forward.
5 L knee forward.
& R knee forward.
6 L knee forward.
& Change weight to LF.
7 RF step backwards.
& LF in front LF.
8 RF step backwards.
Coaster Step, Point Forward, Point Backwards, Kick Kick, ¼ Turn With Swivel.
1 LF step backwards.
& RF next LF.
2 LF step forward.
3 RF point forward.
4 RF point backwards.
5 RF kick forward.
& RF next LF.
6 LF kick forward.
& LF next to RF.
7 RF step forward.
& Swivel both feet to right.
8 ¼ turn over left.
Apple Jack Right, Apple Jack Left, Apple Jacks Right, Lock Steps.
1 Swivel L heel forward, while doing this touch right heel forward.
& Both feet recover next to each other.
2 Swivel R heel forward, while doing this touch L heel forward.
& Both feet recover next to each other.
3 Swivel L heel forward, while doing this touch right heel forward.
& Both feet recover next to each other.
4 Swivel L heel forward, while doing this touch right heel forward.
& Put weight on RF.
5 LF step diagonal to left.
& RF backwards LF.
6 LF step diagonal to left.
& RF backwards LF.
7 LF step diagonal to left.
& RF backwards LF.
8 LF step diagonal to left.
Step Out To Right, ½ Turn Left. Knee Out And Normal, Shoulder Pop, Step Out Left.
1 RF step to right, while doing this put L hand on right shoulder and wipe of some dirt.
2 Hold but keep on whipping dirt from shoulder.
3 LF cross behind RF.
4 ½ turn over left, put weight on LF.
5 L knee out.
& L knee normal.
6 Pop L shoulder up.
7 LF step to left.
& Recover weight on RF.
8 Recover weight on LF.
Start again