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Too Close To Tears

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Intermediate DISCO Rhythm
Gordon Timms (UK) - June 2008
Too Close to Tears - H & Claire : (Album: Another You, Another Me)
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Intro: 8 Counts of the rhythm beat….Start the dance on the downbeat just before the vocals…

SECTION 1: Side, Behind, Heel Ball Cross, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn, Touch, Low Kick on diagonal
1 2 & Step right to right side, rock back on left behind right, recover on to right with weight
3 & 4 Present left heel diagonally forward, step down on left. Cross right over left
5 - 6 Stepping back on left, turn ¼ right, stepping right to right side, turn ¼ right
7 - 8 Touch left next to right (7) Low kick diagonally forward left with the left foot (8)
Faces 6.00

SECTION 2: Left Sailor Steps, Right Sailor Steps, Cross behind, Unwind Full Turn, Right Side Chasse
1 & 2 Cross left behind right, step right slightly to the right side, step left in place
3 & 4 Cross right behind left, step left slightly to the left side, step right in place.
5 - 6 Cross left behind right, (5) Unwind full turn to the left (6).
7 & 8 Right Side Chasse R.L.R.
Faces 6.00

SECTION 3: Cross rock, Recover, Left Side Chasse with ¼ turn left, Pivot ½ Turn, ½ Turning Shuffle
1 - 2 Cross left over right, recover on to right
3 & 4 Left Side Chasse with a ¼ Turn left, L.R.L. turning on the LAST step!
5 - 6 Step forward on the right (5) Pivot turn ½ left (6)
7 & 8 Turning ½ left shuffle backwards right – left – right
Faces 3.00

SECTION 4: Step, Half Turn, Half Turn Shuffle, Rock, Recover, Kick Ball and Point.
1 - 2 Step back on left, Turning half turn right step forward on right. (Faces 9.00)
3 & 4 Turning half turn right, shuffle backwards left-right-left (Faces 3.00)
5 - 6 Rock back on the right, (5) Recover on to the left (6)
7 & 8 Low kick forward with the right foot, step down on the right with weight, point left to left side. (WOR)
Faces 3.00

SECTION 5: Step down, Behind, Heel Ball Cross, ¼ Turn, ¼ Turn, Touch, Low Kick on diagonal
1 2 & Replace weight on to left foot and step down, rock back on right behind left, recover on to left.
3 & 4 Present right heel diagonally forward, step down on right. Cross left over right
5 - 6 Stepping back on right, turn ¼ left, stepping left to left side, turn ¼ left
7 - 8 Touch right next to left (7) Low kick diagonally forward right with the right foot (8)
Faces 9.00

SECTION 6: Right Sailor Steps, Left Sailor Steps, Cross behind, Unwind Full Turn, Left Side Chasse
1 & 2 Cross right behind left, step left slightly to the left side, step right in place
3 & 4 Cross left behind right, step right slightly to the right side, step left in place
5 - 6 Cross right behind left, (5) Unwind full turn to the right (6).
7 & 8 Left Side Chasse – stepping left-right-left.
Faces 9.00

SECTION 7: Rock, Recover, Kick Ball Cross, Diagonal Lunge Press, Recover, nearly a Full turn right.
1 - 2 Rock back on the right, recover on to the left
3 & 4 On the right diagonal, low kick right forward, step down on the right, cross left over right. (10.00)
5 - 6 On the diagonal…Press/Lunge forward on the right bending knees (5) recover back to the left (6)
7 & 8 Turning almost a complete turn right with a triple step right-left-right turn to face the 9.00 wall.
(Option if you don’t like (or can’t do) the quick triple turn… just straighten up the wall and put in a right coaster step)
Faces 9.00

SECTION 8: Rock, Recover, Turn ¼ Left Coaster Step, Rocking Chair, (or Side steps and Touches)
1 - 2 Step forward on the left (1) Recover on to the right (2)
3 & 4 Turn ¼ left stepping back on the left, step right next to left, step left forward.
5 - 6 Rock forward with the right foot, (5) replace weight on to Left. (6) (Option step right to right, touch left next to right)
7 - 8 Rock back on the right foot (7) replace weight on to the Left. (8) (Option step left to left, touch right next to left)
Faces 6.00

MUSIC: The music slows down at the start of wall 5 (12.00) just dance through it…after 40 counts it picks up again.
FINISH: The dance finishes on the Sailor Steps in Section 2….facing the back wall! So instead of doing a full turn unwind do a ½ turn unwind and face front? It’s your choice?

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