Intro: 32 count intro
A/1-8: Cross Rock ROL, Shuffle full turn right, Cross Rock LOR, Walk ¼ left {9:00}
1, 2 Cross rock Right over left, recover on Left
3&4 Shuffle full turn right (right-left-right) [Easier option: Chasse right]
5, 6 Cross rock Left over right, recover on Right
7, 8 Turn ¼ turn left & walk forward left, right {9:00}
B/9-16: Cross Rock LOR, Shuffle full turn left, Cross Rock ROL, Walk ¼ right {12:00}
1, 2 Cross Rock Left over right, recover on Right
3&4 Shuffle full turn left (left-right-left) [Easier option: Chasse left] {9:00}
5, 6 Cross rock Right over left, recover on Left
7, 8 Turn ¼ turn right & walk forward right, left {12:00}
C/17-24: Side touches, Pivot 1/4 left, Side touches, Pivot 1/4 left, {6:00}
1&2& Touch Right to right, step Right next to left, touch Left to left, step Left next to right
3, 4 Step Right forward sway hips right, pivot 1/4 left swaying hips left (weight left) {9:00}
5&6& Repeat above (1&2&)
7, 8 Repeat above (3, 4) {6:00}
D/25-32: Heel presents turning a 1/4 left, Monterey turn {9:00}
1&2& Right heel forward, step Right back next to left, Left heel forward, step Left back next to right turning 1/8 left {4:30}
3&4& Right heel forward, step Right back next to left, Left heel forward, step Left back next to right turning 1/8 left {3:00}
5, 6 Touch Right to right, spin right ½ turn stepping Right next to left{9:00}
7, 8 Touch Left to left, step Left next to right (weight left)
Repeat, A-D
Ending: Dance goes around twice ending at the front. Music slows during the heel presents starting at 9:00 and ending at 6:00. Complete the Monterey turn to the front. Step Right long step to right and slide Left slowly to right.
Thank you Khin Khin for suggesting the music.
A/1-8: Cross Rock ROL, Shuffle full turn right, Cross Rock LOR, Walk ¼ left {9:00}
1, 2 Cross rock Right over left, recover on Left
3&4 Shuffle full turn right (right-left-right) [Easier option: Chasse right]
5, 6 Cross rock Left over right, recover on Right
7, 8 Turn ¼ turn left & walk forward left, right {9:00}
B/9-16: Cross Rock LOR, Shuffle full turn left, Cross Rock ROL, Walk ¼ right {12:00}
1, 2 Cross Rock Left over right, recover on Right
3&4 Shuffle full turn left (left-right-left) [Easier option: Chasse left] {9:00}
5, 6 Cross rock Right over left, recover on Left
7, 8 Turn ¼ turn right & walk forward right, left {12:00}
C/17-24: Side touches, Pivot 1/4 left, Side touches, Pivot 1/4 left, {6:00}
1&2& Touch Right to right, step Right next to left, touch Left to left, step Left next to right
3, 4 Step Right forward sway hips right, pivot 1/4 left swaying hips left (weight left) {9:00}
5&6& Repeat above (1&2&)
7, 8 Repeat above (3, 4) {6:00}
D/25-32: Heel presents turning a 1/4 left, Monterey turn {9:00}
1&2& Right heel forward, step Right back next to left, Left heel forward, step Left back next to right turning 1/8 left {4:30}
3&4& Right heel forward, step Right back next to left, Left heel forward, step Left back next to right turning 1/8 left {3:00}
5, 6 Touch Right to right, spin right ½ turn stepping Right next to left{9:00}
7, 8 Touch Left to left, step Left next to right (weight left)
Repeat, A-D
Ending: Dance goes around twice ending at the front. Music slows during the heel presents starting at 9:00 and ending at 6:00. Complete the Monterey turn to the front. Step Right long step to right and slide Left slowly to right.
Thank you Khin Khin for suggesting the music.