Intro: 32 count
N.B.: This dance is an easy floor-split to (and totally inspired by) Peter & Alison’s Catch the Rain.
Catch the Drizzle is published in agreement with Peter & Alison.
Kick ball change x 2, forward rock, recover, ½ shuffle turn right
1&2 Kick R forward, step ball of R next to L, step L in place
3&4 Kick R forward, step ball of R next to L, step L in place
5-6 Rock R forward, recover back onto L
7&8 Shuffle ½ turn right – stepping R, L, R (06:00)
Step ¼ turn R, cross shuffle, side, together, chasse ¼ turn right
1-2 Step L forward, pivot ¼ right (09:00)
3&4 Cross L over R, step R to right side, cross L over R
5-6 Step R to right side, step L next to R
7&8 Step R to right side, step L next to R, turn ¼ right stepping R forward (12:00)
Forward Rock, left coaster, jazz box cross
1-2 Rock L forward, recover back onto R
3&4 Step back on L, step R beside L, step L forward
5-8 Cross R over L, step back on L, step R to right side, cross L over R
Make ¾ left turning box with claps* – see note below
1&a2 Step R to right side (1), hold (&) Clap twice: Clap (a), Clap (2)
3-4 Turning ¼ left step L to left side (3), hold (4) (09:00)
& Clap
5 Turning ¼ left step R to right side (06:00)
&6 Clap twice: Clap (&), Clap (6)
7 Turning ¼ left step L to left side (09:00)
8 Clap
*You shall only make the claps when facing the front wall (listen to the music) – on the other walls just put the hands in the air and make the turning box with the hold counts.
Start again – enjoy the music and have fun.
N.B.: This dance is an easy floor-split to (and totally inspired by) Peter & Alison’s Catch the Rain.
Catch the Drizzle is published in agreement with Peter & Alison.
Kick ball change x 2, forward rock, recover, ½ shuffle turn right
1&2 Kick R forward, step ball of R next to L, step L in place
3&4 Kick R forward, step ball of R next to L, step L in place
5-6 Rock R forward, recover back onto L
7&8 Shuffle ½ turn right – stepping R, L, R (06:00)
Step ¼ turn R, cross shuffle, side, together, chasse ¼ turn right
1-2 Step L forward, pivot ¼ right (09:00)
3&4 Cross L over R, step R to right side, cross L over R
5-6 Step R to right side, step L next to R
7&8 Step R to right side, step L next to R, turn ¼ right stepping R forward (12:00)
Forward Rock, left coaster, jazz box cross
1-2 Rock L forward, recover back onto R
3&4 Step back on L, step R beside L, step L forward
5-8 Cross R over L, step back on L, step R to right side, cross L over R
Make ¾ left turning box with claps* – see note below
1&a2 Step R to right side (1), hold (&) Clap twice: Clap (a), Clap (2)
3-4 Turning ¼ left step L to left side (3), hold (4) (09:00)
& Clap
5 Turning ¼ left step R to right side (06:00)
&6 Clap twice: Clap (&), Clap (6)
7 Turning ¼ left step L to left side (09:00)
8 Clap
*You shall only make the claps when facing the front wall (listen to the music) – on the other walls just put the hands in the air and make the turning box with the hold counts.
Start again – enjoy the music and have fun.