CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Tony Stanton (UK) - March 2008
One of the Boys - Gretchen Wilson : (CD: One Of The Boys)
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(32 count intro) - start on the vocals

Section 1: Rhumba box with touches
1-4 Step right to right, step left together, step right forward, touch left against right
5-8 Step left to left, step right together, step left back, touch right against left

Section 2: Steps back with touches and claps, coaster step, step forward left
9-12 Step back right, touch left against right and clap, step back left, touch right against left and clap
13-16 Step back right, step left together, step forward right, step forward left

Section 3: Grapevine right with touch, side touch left and right
17-20 Step right to right, step left behind right, step right to right, touch left against right
21-24 Step left to left, touch right against left, step right to right, touch left against right

Section 4: Side shuffle left with ¼ turn and kick, steps back with kicks
25-28 Step left to left, step right against left, step left to left turning quarter turn left, kick right forward
29-32 Step back right, kick left across in front of right, step back left, kick right across in front of left

Section 5: Grapevine right turning ½ turn right, weave to left with point
33-36 Step right to right, step left behind right, step right forward turning ¼ turn right, step left to left turning ¼ turn right
37-40 Step right behind left, step left to left, cross right in front of left, point left toe to left

Section 6: Cross steps with sweeps forward, cross shuffle right with touch
41-44 Cross left in front of right, sweep right forward from back to front, cross right in front of left, sweep left forward from back to front
45-48 Cross left in front of right, step right to right, cross left in front of right, touch right against left

Section 7: Grapevine right turning ½ turn right, weave to left with point
49-52 Step right to right, step left behind right, step right forward turning ¼ turn right, step left to left turning ¼ turn right
53-56 Step right behind left, step left to left, cross right in front of left, point left toe to left

Section 8: Cross steps with sweeps forward, cross shuffle right with touch
57-60 Cross left in front of right, sweep right forward from back to front, cross right in front of left, sweep left forward from back to front
61-64 Cross left in front of right, step right to right, cross left in front of right, touch right against left

TAG: To be danced AFTER beat 16 on wall 5 (facing 12 o'clock)
Step right to right, touch left against right, step left to left, touch right against left

Then restart dance from the beginning.

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