CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Red Strokes

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Dom Yates (UK) & Ami Yates (UK) - January 2008
Red Strokes - Garth Brooks
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(1-8) Nightclub Basic Right & Left, ¼ Turn, Lock Step Back, Mambo ¼
1-2& Step right to side, rock back on left, recover onto right
3-4& Step left to side, rock back on right, recover onto left
5-6&7 ¼ Turn left stepping back on right, lock step back on left
8&1 Rock back on right, recover onto left, ¼ turn left stepping right to side

(9-16) Weave, Syncopated Cross Rock, Nightclub Basic Left & Right
2&3 Cross left behind right, step right to side, cross rock left over right
&4& Recover onto right, step left to side, step right next to left
5-6& Step left to side, rock back on right, recover onto left
7-8& Step right to side, rock back on left, recover onto right

(17-24) Weave, Cross Rock ¼, ½ Pivot, Triple 1 ½ Turn With Sweep
1-2& Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side
3-4& Cross rock right over left, recover onto left, ¼ turn right stepping forward right
5-6 Step forward left, pivot ½ turn right
7&8& Triple 1 ½ turn right stepping left right left, sweep right around behind left
Option: Replace Triple Turn With Pivot ½ Turn With Sweep

(25-32) Weave, Cross Rocks
1&2& Cross right behind left, step left to side, cross right over left, step left to side
3&4& Cross right behind left, step left to side, cross rock right, recover onto left
5-6& Step right to side, cross rock left over right, recover onto right
7-8& Step left to side, cross rock right over left, recover onto left

(33-36) Sways
1-2-3-4 Step right to side swaying right, left, right, left

Begin again.

At end of walls 1 & 3 leave off the last 4 counts (Sways), after cross rocks (count 32) start again

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