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Marrakech (Passion in the Kasbah)

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Larry Hayden (UK) - February 2008
Marrakech - BWO
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Start after 32 counts

Rock, Cross shuffle x 2
1-2 Rock right to right side, recover
3&4 Cross shuffle right, left, right
5-6 Rock left to left side, recover
7&8 Cross shuffle, left, right, left

Wizards (Dorothy steps) x 2, Rock, ¾ Shuffle
1-2& Step right forward on diagonal, step left behind right, step right slightly right
3-4& Step left forward on diagonal, step right behind left, step left to left side
5-6 Rock forward on right, recover onto left
7&8 Shuffle ¾ turn right stepping right, left, right

Cross Points, ½ Monterey
1-2 Cross left over right, point right to right side
3-4 Cross right over left, point left to left side
5-6 Cross left over right, point right to right side
7-8 Turn ½ turn right bringing right foot next to left, point left to left side

Kick ball cross, Rock, Sailor cross, Sway
1&2 Kick left across in front of right, step down on ball of left to left side, cross right over left
3-4 Rock left to left side, recover
5&6 Cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over in front of right
7-8 Step right to right side bumping hips to right, preparing to turn to right sway left bumping hips to left

Sailor ½ turn, ½ Pivot, Shuffle half turn, Walks
1&2 Sailor half turn right stepping right, left, right
3-4 Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right
5&6 Shuffle half turn right stepping left, right, left
7-8 Walk back right, left

Dig and Shuffle, Kick x2, Sailor ½ turn
&1&2 Step back on right, dig left heel forward, step down on left, step forward on right
3&4 Shuffle forward left, right, left
5-6 Kick right forward, kick right to right side
7&8 Sailor half turn right stepping right, left, right

Step, touch, dig and step, Step touch and dig and touch
1-2 Step forward on left, touch right next to left
&3&4 Step back on right, dig left heel forward, step left next to right, step forward on right
5-6 Step forward on left, touch right next to left
&7&8 Step beck on right, dig left heel forward, step left next to right, touch right next to left

Reverse ¼ pivot, Cross Shuffle, Jazz Box cross
1-2 Touch right toe back, reverse ¼ pivot turn right taking weight on right
3&4 Left cross over shuffle
5,6,7,8 Jazz box on right – crossing left over right on last count

Danced once and once only at the end of wall 5
1-4 Monterey ½ turn to right – weight finishes on left ready to start again

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