CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ronja Zettergren - January 2008
Bubbly - Colbie Calliat
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Intro: 16 Counts on the intro, she sings "will you count me in" and After those words you count 7, 8 and start!

Walk, walk, mambo turn ½, step, tap ball,cross side.
1-2 Walk forward on right and left.
3&4 Mambo rock forward on right, turn ½ to right, step forward on right.
5-6 Step forward on left foot, tap right foot behind left foot.
7&8 Step on ball of right foot, cross left foot over right foot, step right foot to side.

Sailor turn ¼ , sweep ½touch triple turn ¾ , cross rock side step.
1&2 Step left foot behind right foot, turn right foot ¼ to left, step left foot to left side.
3-4 Sweep right foot from side to front and turn ½ to left on ball of left foot, touch right foot in front of left foot.
5&6 Step ¾ to right with right foot, left foot, right foot.
&7-8 Cross left foot over right foot, recover, step left foot to right side.
TAG: On 3rd wall 4 sway. Right, left,right, left then start over again.

Rock x 2, touch, chasse, sailorturn ¼ to left, sweep ¾.
1&2&3 Rock right foot back, recover, rock right foot forward, recover, touch right foot beside left foot.
4&5 Step right foot to right side, step left foot beside right foot, step right foot to right side.
6&7 Step back on left foot, turn ¼ on right foot, step left foot to left side.
8 Sweep right foot from side to front and turn ¾ to left on ball of left foot touch right foot in front of left foot.

Out, out, mambo rock step, sailor turn ½ , out out mambo rock, hold.
&1 Step right foot to right, step left foot to left weight on left.
2&3 Rock back on right foot, recover step right foot to right side.
4&5 Step back on left foot, turn ½ to left on ball of right, step left foot to left side.
&6 Step right foot to right, step left foot to left, weight on left.
7&8 Rock back on right foot, recover, hold: 1 count.

When the music slows down you dance in the same beat. Then you end up faceing the wall you started on with an unwind.

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