Section 1: Toe strut toe strut chasse rock back
1-2-3-4 side touch right toe drop heel cross left over right left toe heel
5 & 6-7 8 right side close left to right side right rock back left behind right recover on right
Section 2: As section 1 but to the left
Section 3: Step pivot step hold step pivot step hold
1-2-3-4 step right forward pivot left step right forward hold 1 count
5-6-7-8 step forward left pivot right step forward left hold 1 count
Section 4: Walk forward right left right kick, Walk back left right left touch
1-2-3-4 walk forward right left right kick left forward
5-6-7-8 walk back left right left touch right next to left
Section 5: Right heel ball cross x 2 , chasse rock back
1&2, 3&4 touch right heel forward bring back to left cross left over right , touch right heel forward, bring back to left cross left over right
5&6, 7-8 right to side close left to right step right to side rock left behind right recover onto right
Section 6: Repeat section 5 to the left
Section 7: Paddle turn left 4 x1/8 turns
1-8 step forward right turn 1/8 to the left recover onto left, repeat 4 times
Section 8: Weave left, cross rock, chasse right
1-2-3-4 cross right over left step left to side cross right over left step left to side
5-6 cross rock right in front of left recover onto left
7&8 step right to side step left next to right step right to side
Section 9: Weave right, cross rock, chasse left
1-8 As section 8 but to the left
Section 10: Left figure of eight
1-2-3-4 cross right over left step left to side step right behind left step left¼ turn forward
5-6-7-8 step forward right pivot ½ turn left step forward right turn ¼ step left behind right
Section 11: Jazz box, & rocking chair
1-2-3-4 step right to side cross left over right step back right step left to side
5-6-7-8 rock forward right recover onto left rock back right recover onto left.
Begin again.
Restart after section 4 on wall 2
Restart after section 6 on wall 3
Tag: on the end of wall 4
Tag (8 counts - right rocking chair x 2)
1-2-3-4 side touch right toe drop heel cross left over right left toe heel
5 & 6-7 8 right side close left to right side right rock back left behind right recover on right
Section 2: As section 1 but to the left
Section 3: Step pivot step hold step pivot step hold
1-2-3-4 step right forward pivot left step right forward hold 1 count
5-6-7-8 step forward left pivot right step forward left hold 1 count
Section 4: Walk forward right left right kick, Walk back left right left touch
1-2-3-4 walk forward right left right kick left forward
5-6-7-8 walk back left right left touch right next to left
Section 5: Right heel ball cross x 2 , chasse rock back
1&2, 3&4 touch right heel forward bring back to left cross left over right , touch right heel forward, bring back to left cross left over right
5&6, 7-8 right to side close left to right step right to side rock left behind right recover onto right
Section 6: Repeat section 5 to the left
Section 7: Paddle turn left 4 x1/8 turns
1-8 step forward right turn 1/8 to the left recover onto left, repeat 4 times
Section 8: Weave left, cross rock, chasse right
1-2-3-4 cross right over left step left to side cross right over left step left to side
5-6 cross rock right in front of left recover onto left
7&8 step right to side step left next to right step right to side
Section 9: Weave right, cross rock, chasse left
1-8 As section 8 but to the left
Section 10: Left figure of eight
1-2-3-4 cross right over left step left to side step right behind left step left¼ turn forward
5-6-7-8 step forward right pivot ½ turn left step forward right turn ¼ step left behind right
Section 11: Jazz box, & rocking chair
1-2-3-4 step right to side cross left over right step back right step left to side
5-6-7-8 rock forward right recover onto left rock back right recover onto left.
Begin again.
Restart after section 4 on wall 2
Restart after section 6 on wall 3
Tag: on the end of wall 4
Tag (8 counts - right rocking chair x 2)