CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Piece Of Me

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Charlie B (UK) - December 2007
Piece of Me - Britney Spears : (Album: Blackout - Clean Edit)
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Intro: 11 seconds

Weave to right, rock and cross, rock to left, 1/4 turn left, hitch left knee
1&2&3&4 Step right to right side, step left behind, right to right side, cross left in front, rock right out to right side, weight back onto left, cross right in front
5-6 Rock left out to left side, transfer weight to right foot
7-8 Make 1/4 turn left on ball of right foot, hitch left knee

Left coaster step, scuff 1/4 turn left, stomp right, hips right, left, right, diagonal kick right
1&2 Step left back, step right next to left, step forward on left
&3, 4 Scuff right foot, transfer weight to left foot making 1/4 turn left, stomp right to right side
5-6 Hips right, left
7-8 Hips right, kick right foot to right diagonal

Weave to the right, hips right, left, right, drag left in front of right
1&2&3&4 Step right in front of left, left to left side, step right behind left, step left to left side, step right in front of left, step left to left side, touch right next to left
5-7 Hips right, left, right, transferring weight to right
8 Drag left foot in front of right

Cross, step back on right making 1/4 turn left, walk left, rock forward right, back right, pivot ½ turn left, step right, 1/2 turn left, right rock back and step
1&2& Cross left foot across right, step back on right making 1/4 turn left, step left forward, rock forward on right
3&4 Step back on left, rock back on right, step forward on left
5-6 Pivot 1/2 turn right, transferring weight to right, step forward on left
7&8 Make 1/2 turn right on left foot, rock back on right, step left foot forward, touch right next to left


Enjoy the dance and add as much attitude as you want to!!

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