Starts 16 counts in (after first lot of vocals)
Side/rock across & hold, Side/rock across & hold
1,2,3,4 Step R to R side, rock back onto L, step R across in front of L & hold.
5,6,7,8 Step L to L side, rock back onto R, step L across in front of R & hold.
Grapevine Right & touch, Grapevine Left, ¼ turn step together.
1,2,3,4 Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, touch L beside R,
5,6,7,8 Step L to L side, step R behind L, ¼ turn L, step L forward, step R beside L.
Hip bumps R, Hip bumps L, Hip bumps R,L,R,L
1,2,3,4 Push hips R, R, Push hips L,L
5,6,7,8 Push hips R,L,R,L.
Right rocking chair, pivot ½ L, pivot ½ L
1,2,3,4 Rock R forward, rock back on L, step R back, rock forward on L
5,6,7,8 Step R forward, pivot ½ L, step R forward, pivot ½ L
Right forward lock & scuff, pivot ½ right, pivot ½ right
1,2,3,4 Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, scuff L forward
5,6,7,8 Step L forward, pivot ½ R, step L forward, pivot ½ R
Left forward lock & hold, step paddle turn, across & hold
1,2,3,4 Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward & hold
5,6,7,8 Paddle ¼ L step R across L & hold.
Grapevine left ¼ turn & step together, side touches
1,2,3,4 Step L to L side, step R behind L, turn ¼ L, step L forward, step R beside L
5,6,7,8 Step R to R side, touch L beside R, step L to L side, touch R beside L.
Restart: On wall 5, dance up to count 16 then restart the dance.
Side/rock across & hold, Side/rock across & hold
1,2,3,4 Step R to R side, rock back onto L, step R across in front of L & hold.
5,6,7,8 Step L to L side, rock back onto R, step L across in front of R & hold.
Grapevine Right & touch, Grapevine Left, ¼ turn step together.
1,2,3,4 Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side, touch L beside R,
5,6,7,8 Step L to L side, step R behind L, ¼ turn L, step L forward, step R beside L.
Hip bumps R, Hip bumps L, Hip bumps R,L,R,L
1,2,3,4 Push hips R, R, Push hips L,L
5,6,7,8 Push hips R,L,R,L.
Right rocking chair, pivot ½ L, pivot ½ L
1,2,3,4 Rock R forward, rock back on L, step R back, rock forward on L
5,6,7,8 Step R forward, pivot ½ L, step R forward, pivot ½ L
Right forward lock & scuff, pivot ½ right, pivot ½ right
1,2,3,4 Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, scuff L forward
5,6,7,8 Step L forward, pivot ½ R, step L forward, pivot ½ R
Left forward lock & hold, step paddle turn, across & hold
1,2,3,4 Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward & hold
5,6,7,8 Paddle ¼ L step R across L & hold.
Grapevine left ¼ turn & step together, side touches
1,2,3,4 Step L to L side, step R behind L, turn ¼ L, step L forward, step R beside L
5,6,7,8 Step R to R side, touch L beside R, step L to L side, touch R beside L.
Restart: On wall 5, dance up to count 16 then restart the dance.