1&2 Rock right to right side, recover on left, ½ turn right stepping right together
3&4 Rock left to left side, recover on right, ½ turn left stepping left together
5&6 ¼ Turn left stepping right to right side bump hips right, left right (weights on right)
7&8 ¼ Turn left shuffling forward left, right, left
Optional: When she sings 'let me see your hands up in the air', wave both hands in the air
1-2 Walk forward on right, left
3&4 Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward on right foot
5&6 Shuffle forward left, right, left
7&8 Step forward on right, pivot ½ left, step forward on right foot
1&2& Step left toes to left side, drop left heel (toe strut) rock right back, recover on left
3&4& Step right toes to right side, drop right heel (toe strut), rock left back, recover on right
5&6& Touch left toes to left side, touch left together, ¼ turn left touching left heel at left 45 forward, hook left under right knee
7&8 Step forward on, lock right behind left foot, step forward on left *
1-2 Rock forward on right foot, recover on left
3&4 ½ turn right stepping forward on right, ½ turn right stepping left back, ½ turn right stepping forward on right
5&6& Touch left toes to left side, step left together, touch right toes to right side, step right together
7&8& Touch left toes to left side, flick left behind right, touch left toes to left side, step left together
1&2& Scuff right forward, brush right across left, scuff right forward, scoot forward on left foot
3&4 Rock forward on right foot, recover on left foot, ½ turn right stepping forward on right
5&6 ¼ turn right bumping hips left, right, left
&7&8 Step right together, cross shuffle left, right, left
TAG: At the END of wall 2 (facing the front), do the following
1&2-3&4 Step right forward bump hips right, left, right, step left forward bump hips left, right, left
5&6& Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left, step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left
7&8& Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left, step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left (weight on left)
Optional: Circle right hand above head (lasso) on the last counts of tag (5-8) paddles
RESTART: On wall 5, dance counts 1-24 (keep weight on left foot) then ADD, hitch right slightly while turning ¼ turn left on the (&) count. Restart facing front
3&4 Rock left to left side, recover on right, ½ turn left stepping left together
5&6 ¼ Turn left stepping right to right side bump hips right, left right (weights on right)
7&8 ¼ Turn left shuffling forward left, right, left
Optional: When she sings 'let me see your hands up in the air', wave both hands in the air
1-2 Walk forward on right, left
3&4 Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left, step forward on right foot
5&6 Shuffle forward left, right, left
7&8 Step forward on right, pivot ½ left, step forward on right foot
1&2& Step left toes to left side, drop left heel (toe strut) rock right back, recover on left
3&4& Step right toes to right side, drop right heel (toe strut), rock left back, recover on right
5&6& Touch left toes to left side, touch left together, ¼ turn left touching left heel at left 45 forward, hook left under right knee
7&8 Step forward on, lock right behind left foot, step forward on left *
1-2 Rock forward on right foot, recover on left
3&4 ½ turn right stepping forward on right, ½ turn right stepping left back, ½ turn right stepping forward on right
5&6& Touch left toes to left side, step left together, touch right toes to right side, step right together
7&8& Touch left toes to left side, flick left behind right, touch left toes to left side, step left together
1&2& Scuff right forward, brush right across left, scuff right forward, scoot forward on left foot
3&4 Rock forward on right foot, recover on left foot, ½ turn right stepping forward on right
5&6 ¼ turn right bumping hips left, right, left
&7&8 Step right together, cross shuffle left, right, left
TAG: At the END of wall 2 (facing the front), do the following
1&2-3&4 Step right forward bump hips right, left, right, step left forward bump hips left, right, left
5&6& Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left, step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left
7&8& Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left, step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left (weight on left)
Optional: Circle right hand above head (lasso) on the last counts of tag (5-8) paddles
RESTART: On wall 5, dance counts 1-24 (keep weight on left foot) then ADD, hitch right slightly while turning ¼ turn left on the (&) count. Restart facing front