Unrated Beginner
1-8 R side rock & recover, R sailor step, L forward, R kick ball step, R forward | |
1-2 Rock R to R side, recover weight on L | |
3&4 Cross step R behind L, step L to L, step R to R | |
5,6&7 Step L forward, kick R forward, step R together, step L forward | |
8 Step R forward | |
9-16 ¼ L pivot turn, R cross shuffle, L side rock cross, ¼ L & R back, L coaster step | |
1 Pivot ¼ L (weight ends on L) | |
2&3 Cross step R over L, step L to L side, cross step R over L | |
4&5-6 L side rock, recover weight on R, cross step L over R, turning ¼ L step R back | |
7&8 Step L back, step R together, step L forward | |
17-24 R side & recover, R sailor step, L forward, R kick ball step, R forward | |
1-8 Repeat counts 1-8 | |
25-32 ¼ L pivot turn, R cross shuffle, L side & together, syncopated ½ R monterey turn | |
1 Pivot ¼ L (weight ends on L) | |
2&3 Cross step R over L, step L to L side, cross step R over L | |
4-5 Touch L to L side, step L together | |
6&7-8 Touch R to R side, turn ½ R stepping R together, touch L to L side, step L forward | |
33-40 R kick, 3 steps back, L touch, L forward, ¼ L & R to side, ¼ L & coaster step | |
1&2 Kick R forward, step R back, step L back | |
3-6 Step R back, touch L in front of R, step L forward, turning ¼ L step R to R side | |
7&8 Turning ¼ L step L back, step R together, step L forward | |
41-48 R side rock & recover, R cross shuffle, ¼ R & L back strut, ¼ R & R side strut | |
1-2 Rock R to R side, recover weight on L | |
3&4 Cross step R over L, step L to L side, cross step R over L | |
5-8 Turning ¼ R touch L toes, step L heel down, turning ¼ R touch R toes, step R heel down | |
Optional claps on 5-8: single clap on count 6, 2 claps on counts &8 | |
49-56 L kick, 3 steps back, R touch, R forward lock step, L side touch & cross step | |
1&2 Kick L forward, step L back, step R back | |
3-4 Step L back, touch R in front of L | |
5&6 Step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward | |
7-8 Touch L to L side, cross step L over R | |
57-64 R side touch & cross step, syncopated L forward rock, recover & ½ L, forward full turn L, R forward, ½ L pivot turn | |
1-2 Touch R to R side, cross step R over L | |
3&4 Rock L forward, recover weight on R, turning ½ L step L forward | |
5-6 Turning ½ L step R back, turning ½ L step L forward | |
Non turning option for 5-6: step R forward, step L forward | |
7-8 Step R forward, pivot ½ L (weight ends on L) | |