(1 x 16-count tag, 1 x 8-count tag)
Start on vocals (16 counts) | |
Right behind and cross side, toe ¼ turn, switch right and left and. | |
1 2 & Step right to right side, left food behind right, Step right foot to right side (&), | |
3 4 Cross left foot in front of right, step right foot to right side | |
5 6 Point left toe back, ¼ turn left (weight onto left) | |
7&8& Switch right heel forward, right in place(&), left heel forward, left in place(&). | |
Repeat 1st eight counts | |
Right mambo forward, left mambo back, side, cross, turn ½ (L), side, | |
1 & 2 Right forward, Left in place, Right next to left. | |
3 & 4 Left back, Right in place, Left next to right | |
5 6 Step right foot to right side, Cross left foot over front of right, | |
7 8 Step right to right side and pivot ½ turn (L) weight on right, Step left next to right. | |
Cross, turn ½(R) rock right and cross, side, behind, rock left and cross. | |
1 2 Cross right foot over left, Step side left pivot ½ turn (R) | |
3 & 4 Rock right foot to right side, recover weight onto left foot, cross right foot over left. | |
5 6 Step left foot to left side, Step right behind left | |
7 & 8 Rock left foot to left side, recover weight onto right foot, cross left foot over right. | |
Right kick ball touch, (turn ¼ left,) left kick ball touch, Right kick ball touch left toe back, bounce bounce bounce ½ turn left. | |
1 &2 Kick right foot forward, replace weight onto right foot, touch left toe next to right, Pivot ¼ turn to left. | |
3 & 4 Kick left foot forward, replace weight onto left foot, touch right toe next to left. | |
5 & 6 Kick right foot forward, replace weight onto right foot, touch left toe back. | |
7 & 8 Bounce heels 3 times making ½ turn Left. Weight on Right. | |
Left kick ball touch, (turn ¼ right,) Right kick ball touch, Left kick ball touch right toe back, bounce bounce bounce ½ turn right. | |
1 &2 Kick left foot forward, replace weight onto left foot, touch right toe next to right, Pivot ¼ turn to right. | |
3 & 4 Kick right foot forward, replace weight onto right foot, touch left next to right | |
5 & 6 Kick left forward, replace weight onto left, touch right toe back | |
7 & 8 Bounce heels 3 times making ½ turn right. Weight on left. | |
Tag 1. | |
1 2 & Step forward right, touch left toe next to right, and step onto left foot, | |
3 4 & Step forward right, touch left toe next to right, and step onto left foot, | |
5 6 Step forward onto right foot, ½ turn to left weight onto left. | |
7. & 8 Run forward. Right, left, right. | |
1 2 & Step forward left, touch right toe next to left, and step onto right foot, | |
3 4 & Step forward left, touch right toe next to left, and step onto right foot, | |
5 6 Step forward onto left foot, ½ turn to right weight onto right. | |
7. & 8 Run forward. Left, Right, left, | |
Tag 2. | |
1 2 & Step forward right, touch left toe next to right, and step onto left foot, | |
3 4 & Step forward right, touch left toe next to right, and step onto left foot, | |
5 6 Step forward onto right foot, ½ turn to left weight onto left. | |
7. & 8 Run forward. Right, left, touch right. | |
Dance walls 1 and 2 do tag 1. Dance walls 3 and 4 do tag 2. Continue to end of music with main body of dance, if you continue to dance to end of fade you will finish on front wall. | |
Not hard but nippy!! | |
Have fun. | |