Start the dance on the vocals | ||||||||||||||||
1-8 | Toe Step, Kick & Touch, & Touch, Drag, Right Shuffle Fwd | |||||||||||||||
1,2 | Touch the Lt fwd, Step in place Lt | |||||||||||||||
3&4 | Kick Rt fwd, Step Rt next to Lt, Touch Lt to Lt | |||||||||||||||
&5 | Bring the Lt next to Rt compressing Lt Knee, Touch Rt to Rt | |||||||||||||||
Optional arm: | Extend Rt arm straight out to Rt (5) | |||||||||||||||
6 | Drag Rt next to Lt straightening Lt knee | |||||||||||||||
Optional arm: | Bring Rt arm in and straight up (6) | |||||||||||||||
7&8 | Step Rt fwd, Step Lt next to Rt, Step Rt fwd | |||||||||||||||
9-16 | Rock Step, Shuffle Back, Rock Step, Triple Full Turn Forward | |||||||||||||||
1,2 | Rock Lt fwd, Replace weight Rt | |||||||||||||||
3&4 | Step back Lt, Step Rt next to Lt, Step back Lt | |||||||||||||||
5,6 | Rock back Rt (prep for turn), Replace weight Lt | |||||||||||||||
7&8 | Make 1/2 turn Lt stepping back Rt, Make 1/2 Lt stepping Lt fwd, Step fwd Rt | |||||||||||||||
17-24 | Fwd Cross & Back Cross & Back Cross, 1/2 Turn Rock Step | |||||||||||||||
1,2 | Step fwd Lt, Cross Rt in front of Lt | |||||||||||||||
&3,4 | Step Lt back, Step Rt to Rt, Cross Lt in front of Rt | |||||||||||||||
&5,6 | Step Rt back, Step Lt to Lt, Cross Rt in front of Lt | |||||||||||||||
7&8 | Step Lt 1/4 turn fwd Lt, Pivot 1/4 turn Lt in place rocking Rt to Rt, Replace weight Lt | |||||||||||||||
25-32 | Cross Side Cross 1/4 turn Lt, Step 1/2 Turn, Full Turn | |||||||||||||||
1,2 | Cross Rt in front of Lt with compressed knee?s, Step Lt to Lt and straighten knee?s | |||||||||||||||
3,4 | Cross Rt in front of Lt with compressed knee?s, Step Lt 1/4 turn fwd Lt and straighten knee?s | |||||||||||||||
5&6 | Step Rt fwd, Make 1/2 turn Lt, Step fwd Rt | |||||||||||||||
7,8 | Make 1/2 turn Rt stepping back Lt, Make 1/2 turn Rt stepping fwd Rt | |||||||||||||||
TAG: On wall 3 dance the first 16 counts, then add the 4 count tag, your be facing 6 o? clock. |
| Rock Lt fwd (1), Replace weight Rt (2), Rock Lt back (3), Replace weight Rt (4). Start the dance from beginning. |
| NOTE: You will finish the dance facing the front wall ending on count 30. HAVE FUN |
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