CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Adjust The Sails

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Trish Arena (AUS)
Can't Control the Wind - Ricky Skaggs
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1-2Cross right over left, point left to side
3&4Shuffle forward left-right-left
5-6Rock forward right, rock back on left
7&8Making a ½ turn right, shuffle forward right-left-right
1-8Repeat/mirror the previous 8 counts, starting on left
1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right
3-4Make a ¼ turn right & step forward on right, make a ¼ turn right & step sideways on left
5-6Make a ¼ turn right & step forward on right, step forward on left commencing a ¾ turn left
7-8Step back on right & step left to side completing the ¾ turn left (facing front)
1-2Cross/rock right in front of left, recover on left
3&4Shuffle sideways right-left-right
5-6Cross/rock left in front of right, recover on right
7&8Shuffle sideways left-right-left
1&2Right sailor traveling backwards
3&4Left sailor traveling backwards
5-8Paddle turn ¼ left, paddle turn ¼ left
1-2Step back on right, point left to side
3-4Step forward on left making a ¼ turn left, point right to side
5-8Repeat last four counts
1-2Cross right over left, step left to left side
3-4Cross right behind left, rock/step left to left side
5-6Rock weight onto right, cross/touch left behind right
7-8Unwind ½ turn on balls of feet, drop heels
1-2Step back on right, kick (small) left forward
3-4Step back on left, kick (small) right forward
5-6Rock back on right, recover on left
7-8Paddle turn ¼ left (weight in on left)


At the end of repetitions 1 and 3, there is a four count pause in the music. Just step right foot to side & hold for four in each instance
At the end of repetition 2, there is a 16 count tag, which is a repeat of steps 17-32

The dance finishes by converting the final paddle turn to a ½ pivot and dragging the left foot back beside the right.

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