Position: Side By Side (Sweetheart)
1Left forward with ¼ turn to right with arms extended
2Right cross behind left dipping on left
3Left forward back into LOD (raise right arms over head, left hands)
4Right forward with ¼ turn to left with arm extended
5Left cross behind right (joining up left hands)
6Right forward back into LOD Side By Side Position
1-3Repeat steps 1-3
4-6Right forward left, right in place into LOD
On the count of 12, lady does a syncopation step (the right forward left, right, left in place bringing her footwork into mirror image for the following steps)
1-6Step left forward, right, left in place, right to side, left (man right, left) in place (turning lady to the right ½ turn)
1-6Right back, left, right in place. Left to side, right (.man, left right) in place (turning lady to the left ½ turn)
1-3Left forward right, left in place (turning lady to the right full turn with hands joined)
4-6Right forward, left, right in place (turning to the left full turn with hands joined)
1-6Left to side, slide right hitch, right to side (with ¼ turn to right) left, right in place (couple now facing each other)
1-3Swing back ½ turn left (releasing forward hands) onto left (touch released hands to back), ¼ turn right onto right, ¼ right onto left (now face to face) rejoining hands
4-6Swing opposing way ½ turn right onto right (releasing back hands) ¼ turn left onto left ¼ turn left onto right (now face to face)
1-3Continue rolling turn
4-6On last three steps lady does left forward, right (left, right in place back into same steps as man for beginning of sequence)
1Left forward with ¼ turn to right with arms extended
2Right cross behind left dipping on left
3Left forward back into LOD (raise right arms over head, left hands)
4Right forward with ¼ turn to left with arm extended
5Left cross behind right (joining up left hands)
6Right forward back into LOD Side By Side Position
1-3Repeat steps 1-3
4-6Right forward left, right in place into LOD
On the count of 12, lady does a syncopation step (the right forward left, right, left in place bringing her footwork into mirror image for the following steps)
1-6Step left forward, right, left in place, right to side, left (man right, left) in place (turning lady to the right ½ turn)
1-6Right back, left, right in place. Left to side, right (.man, left right) in place (turning lady to the left ½ turn)
1-3Left forward right, left in place (turning lady to the right full turn with hands joined)
4-6Right forward, left, right in place (turning to the left full turn with hands joined)
1-6Left to side, slide right hitch, right to side (with ¼ turn to right) left, right in place (couple now facing each other)
1-3Swing back ½ turn left (releasing forward hands) onto left (touch released hands to back), ¼ turn right onto right, ¼ right onto left (now face to face) rejoining hands
4-6Swing opposing way ½ turn right onto right (releasing back hands) ¼ turn left onto left ¼ turn left onto right (now face to face)
1-3Continue rolling turn
4-6On last three steps lady does left forward, right (left, right in place back into same steps as man for beginning of sequence)