CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157431
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Autumn's Cha Cha (P)

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Barry Amato (USA)
The Whispering Wind - Mandy Barnett
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Position: Man starts inside of circle, Lady starts outside of circle

1-2-3Rock left on left foot, rock back on right foot, step in place on left foot
4&1Step right stepping right-left-right
2-3Crossover break step - open ¼ turn right on ball of right foot & rock forward on left, recover on the right in place
4&1¼ turn to face each other and step left stepping left-right-left
2-3Lift ladies right arm for her to pass under as you rock on right foot the left, recover in place on left foot
4&1Step right stepping right-left-right
2-3Crossover break - ¼ turn right on ball of right and step forward on left, do ½ turn pivot to right on left foot
4&1¼ turn to face each other and step left stepping left-right-left
2-3Crossover break - ¼ turn left on ball of left and step forward on right, half turn pivot to left on right foot
4&1¼ turn to face each other and step left stepping left-right-left
2-3Repeat again ¼ turn right on ball of right and step forward on left, half turn pivot to right on left foot
4&1Turn ¼ to face each other and shuffle left stepping left-right-left
Traveling down the line of dance
2&3Travel down line of dance stepping right-left-right
4&5Travel down line of dance sideways stepping left-right-left (turn into partner)
6-7-8Travel down line of dance sideways as you turn the lady (outside turn to her right) stepping right-left-right


1-2-3Rock back on right foot, rock forward on left, step in place on right

4&1Step left stepping left-right-left
2-3Crossover break step - open ¼ turn left on ball of left foot & rock forward on right, recover on the left in place
4&1¼ turn to face each other and step right stepping right-left-right
2-3Pass under right arm and ¼ turn behind to right on ball of right and step forward on left foot, pivot a half turn to the right
4&1¼ turn to face man and step left-right-left
2-3Crossover break - ¼ turn left on ball of left and step forward on right, do a ½ turn pivot left on right foot
4&1¼ turn to face each other and step right stepping right-left-right
2-3Crossover break - ¼ turn right on right and step forward on left, half turn pivot to right on left
4&1¼ turn to face each other and shuffle right stepping right-left-right
2-3Repeat again ¼ turn left on ball of right and step forward on right, half turn pivot to left on right
4&1¼ to face each other and step right stepping right-left-right
2&3Travel down line of dance stepping left-right-left
4&5Travel down line of dance sideways stepping right-left-right (turn into partner)
6-7-8Travel down line of dance as you do outside turn to the right stepping left-right-left

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