CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Chris Watson (AUS)
The Battle Of New Orleans - Sham Rock
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1&2&3&4Touch right heel forward, left right foot and brush it across left shin, touch right heel forward and hitch left, hold for beat 3, stomp right together then left together
5&6-7&8Rock right to right side, weight center on to left, cross right over left, take weight, rock left to left side, weight back onto right, cross left over right and take weight onto left
1&2-3&4Rock forward onto right, back onto left step back onto right (mambo) rock forward onto left, back onto right and step left foot back (mambo)
5-8Step right foot forward pivot a half turn via left, taking weight onto left, walk forward right, left
1&2-3&4Rock forward onto right, back onto left step back onto right (mambo) rock forward onto left, back onto right and step left foot back (mambo)
5-8Step right foot forward, pivot a ½ turn via left, take weight onto left, cross step right over left, point left toe out to left side
1-4Cross step left over right and point right toe to right side, hold and for count 4 do a right knee pop keeping weight on left
5-8Doing a ¼ turn right, cross right over left, step left foot back (turning the ¼ turn), step right to right side and left together taking weight onto left
1-2&3-4Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side and left across in front of right, touch right together
5-8Step right to right side swing hips right, left, right, left

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