CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Bye Bye Baby Cha Cha

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June Moore & Tascheri Moore
There Goes My Baby - Trisha Yearwood
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1-2-3&4Cross/rock right over left, rock in place on left, cha-cha to side right-left-right
5-6-7&8Cross/rock left over right, rock in place on right, cha-cha to side left-right-left
1-4Cross right over left, unwind full turn, step right to side, slide left beside right
5-8Cross left over right, unwind full turn, step left to side, slide right beside left
1-2-3&4Rock forward right, rock back left, shuffle back right-left-right
5-6-7&8Rock back left, rock forward right, shuffle forward left-right-left
1&2-3&4Shuffle forward right-left-right, shuffle forward left-right-left
5-8Step forward right, ½ pivot turn left, step right together popping left knee over right
On the 4th wall, skip over the rest of the dance and start again at the top.
1-2-3&4Step left to side, step right beside left, side shuffle left-right-left
5-6-7&8Step right to side, step left beside right, side shuffle right-left-right
1-4Step forward left, point right to side, step forward right, point left to side
5-6-7-8Step forward left, ½ pivot turn right, kick left forward, step left together (weight left)
1-4Turning vine full turn to right stepping right-left-right, touch left
5-6-7&8Step left to side, right behind left, left to side, & right in place, point left to side
1-2-3&4½ turn left step left beside right, point right to side, cross shuffle right-left-right
5-6-7&8Rock left to side, rock right to side, left sailor shuffle left-right-left


At end of 2nd wall

1-4Step back right, drag left to right, step back left, drag right to left.

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