1-4Step forward right to 45 degrees right, lock left behind right, step forward right to 45 degrees right, scuff left to 45 degrees left
5-8Repeat to left
1-3Step forward right, turn slowly ¼ left (paddle)
5-8Repeat paddle
1-4Step forward right heel to 45 degrees right, lower toes, step forward left heel to 45 degrees left, lower toes
5-8Step back right toe, lower right heel, step back left toe, lower left heel
1-4Rock/step right to right side, step left in place, cross right in front of left, hold & clap
5-8Rock/step left to left side, step right in place, cross left in front of right, hold & clap
1-8Weave right - step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left in front of right, step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side & scuff left
1-8Repeat weave to left & scuff right
1-4Step forward right, scuff left, step forward left, scuff right
5-8Right box step - cross right in front of left, step back left, ¼ turn right, step forward right, step left beside right
1-3Step forward right, slow pivot ½ turn left
5-8Rock/step right to right side, step left in place, brush right up behind left, scuff right to right 45 degrees
5-8Repeat to left
1-3Step forward right, turn slowly ¼ left (paddle)
5-8Repeat paddle
1-4Step forward right heel to 45 degrees right, lower toes, step forward left heel to 45 degrees left, lower toes
5-8Step back right toe, lower right heel, step back left toe, lower left heel
1-4Rock/step right to right side, step left in place, cross right in front of left, hold & clap
5-8Rock/step left to left side, step right in place, cross left in front of right, hold & clap
1-8Weave right - step right to right side, cross left behind right, step right to side, cross left in front of right, step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side & scuff left
1-8Repeat weave to left & scuff right
1-4Step forward right, scuff left, step forward left, scuff right
5-8Right box step - cross right in front of left, step back left, ¼ turn right, step forward right, step left beside right
1-3Step forward right, slow pivot ½ turn left
5-8Rock/step right to right side, step left in place, brush right up behind left, scuff right to right 45 degrees