1-2Cross body rock forward onto left foot; recover to right bringing left foot up and next to right knee while pushing hips back
3&4Triple step in place left-right-left while making ½ turn left
5&6Point right to right side; make 1 full turn right on left foot; step right foot next to left foot
7-8Point left to left side; step left foot across right foot
1&2Rock side right onto right foot; recover onto left foot; step right foot across left foot
3-4Step side left with left foot; touch right foot next to left foot
&5-6Step down on right foot; point left foot to left side; make ¼ turn left and step forward on left foot
7-8Step forward with right foot; pivot ½ turn left taking weight on left foot
1-2Press forward onto right foot; pushing off right foot kick right foot forward while pushing hips back and bending at waist
3&4&Coaster step right-left-right; ¼ turn right on right foot
5&6Triple step side left (left, right, left)
7-8Bringing feet together and bending knees slightly, twist left; twist(return) to center taking weight onto right
1-2Step forward with left; pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right foot
&3-4Make ½ turn right on right foot; point left foot to left side; step left foot across right foot
5&6Step right to right side; making ¼ turn left, step left next to right; step forward with right foot
7-8Walk forward left; walk forward right
3&4Triple step in place left-right-left while making ½ turn left
5&6Point right to right side; make 1 full turn right on left foot; step right foot next to left foot
7-8Point left to left side; step left foot across right foot
1&2Rock side right onto right foot; recover onto left foot; step right foot across left foot
3-4Step side left with left foot; touch right foot next to left foot
&5-6Step down on right foot; point left foot to left side; make ¼ turn left and step forward on left foot
7-8Step forward with right foot; pivot ½ turn left taking weight on left foot
1-2Press forward onto right foot; pushing off right foot kick right foot forward while pushing hips back and bending at waist
3&4&Coaster step right-left-right; ¼ turn right on right foot
5&6Triple step side left (left, right, left)
7-8Bringing feet together and bending knees slightly, twist left; twist(return) to center taking weight onto right
1-2Step forward with left; pivot ½ turn right taking weight onto right foot
&3-4Make ½ turn right on right foot; point left foot to left side; step left foot across right foot
5&6Step right to right side; making ¼ turn left, step left next to right; step forward with right foot
7-8Walk forward left; walk forward right