CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Come On Over

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Linda Burgess (AUS)
Come On Over - Shania Twain
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1&2-3&4Traveling forward - cross right in front of left, step ball of left to left side, step right in place, cross left in front of right, step ball of right to right side, step left in place
5&6&7&8Turn ¼ turn right & step forward right, tapping left ball of foot behind right, turn 45 degrees right & step forward right, tapping left ball of foot behind right, turn 45 degrees right & step forward right, tapping left ball of foot behind right, (now facing back wall) step forward right (weigh on right)
1-8Repeat above 8 counts, starting with left foot & turning to left (now facing front wall)
1&2Full turn to right 45 degrees stepping right-left-right
3&4Full turn to left 45 degrees stepping left-right-left
5&6Kick right forward, step right beside left, step left beside right
&7&8Hop weight onto right & touch left toe to left side, hop weight onto left & touch right toe to right side
1&2Turn ¼ turn right & shuffle/lock forward right-left-right
&3&4Hitch left while turning ½ turn right & shuffle/lock forward left-right-left
&5&6Hitch right, cross right in front of left, step back left, cross right in front of left (back cross shuffle, weight on right)
&7&8Hitch left, cross left in front of right, step back right, cross left in front of right (back cross shuffle, weigh on left)

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