CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Crazy Little Thing

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John Sookee (AUS) & Kaye Sookee
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Dwight Yoakam
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1-4Jump back on both feet, clap, jump back on both feet, clap

5Step forward right with right knee out & left toe in
6Step forward left with left knee out & right toe in
7Step forward right with right knee out & left toe in
8Step forward left with left knee out & right toe in
Keep weight on right foot at the end of this sequence
1-4Step left to left, bring right beside left, step left to left, tap right beside left
5-8Step right to right, bring left beside right, step right to right, tap left beside right
1&2(To a 45 degrees angle left) right kick ball change
3-4Kick right, step right to right
5&6(To a 45 degrees angle right) left kick ball change
7-8Kick left, step left to left
1-4Cross right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left, kick left to left side
5-8Cross left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right, kick right to right side
1-2Touch right heel forward taking weight onto right (lift left heel at the same time), step back on left
3&4Turning ½ turn shuffle right-left-right
5-6Touch left heel forward taking weight onto left (lift right heel at the same time), step back on right
7-8Tap left beside right, hold for one beat
1-4Jump feet apart for one count, raise & drop heels for 3 counts


Occurs twice during the dance on 3rd & 5th wall only do 1st 34 beats on dance, add bridge then restart dance from beginning

1-3Bend knees to right & shimmy shoulders right-left-right hold

4-6Bend knees to left & shimmy shoulders left-right-left hold
7-16Turning ½ turn right jog on the spot stepping right-left-right-left-right-left-right & tap heels 3 times on floor.
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