Improver contra dance
1-4Tap right foot to right, tap next to left; step right foot to right, slide left foot next to right foot
5&6Push left hip out as you twirl left knee to the left
7&8Push right hip out as you twirl right knee to the right
1-4Tap left foot to left, tap next to right; step left foot to left, slide right foot next to left foot.
5&6Push right hip out as you twirl right knee to the right
7&8Push left hip out as you twirl left knee to the left
1-4Tap right heel, hook right in front of left shin, shuffle forward on right right-left-right
5-8Tap left heel, hook left in front of right shin, shuffle forward on left left-right-left
1-2Step forward on right foot, ½ turn to the left, shifting weight onto left foot
5-8Monterey turn: tap right foot to side, ½ turn to the right as you step right foot next to left; tap left foot to side, step left foot next to right.
5&6Push left hip out as you twirl left knee to the left
7&8Push right hip out as you twirl right knee to the right
1-4Tap left foot to left, tap next to right; step left foot to left, slide right foot next to left foot.
5&6Push right hip out as you twirl right knee to the right
7&8Push left hip out as you twirl left knee to the left
1-4Tap right heel, hook right in front of left shin, shuffle forward on right right-left-right
5-8Tap left heel, hook left in front of right shin, shuffle forward on left left-right-left
1-2Step forward on right foot, ½ turn to the left, shifting weight onto left foot
5-8Monterey turn: tap right foot to side, ½ turn to the right as you step right foot next to left; tap left foot to side, step left foot next to right.