1&2Right shuffle forward (right-left-right)
3&4Left shuffle forward (left-right-left)
5&6Right shuffle forward (right-left-right)
7&8Left shuffle forward (left-right-left)
9-10Right foot kick forward, then right foot step cross over left foot
11-12Pivot a full 360_ turn to the left (to the left)
13-14Right foot step to right side, then left foot drag to right foot
15-16Right foot step to right side, then left foot drag to right foot
17-18Left foot step to left side, then right foot drag to left foot
19-20Left foot step to left side, then right foot drag to left foot
21-22Right foot swivel step forward with toes pointing at 1:30, then hold
23-24Left foot swivel step forward with toes pointing at 10:30, then hold
25-26Swivel steps forward: right-left
27-28Swivel steps forward: right-left
29-30Right foot rock forward, then left foot step down
31&32Right triple step (right-left-right) doing a ½ turn to the right (to the right)
33Left foot step forward
34Pivot on right foot ½ turn to the right (to the right)
35Left foot step forward
36Pivot on right foot ½ turn to the right (to the right)
37-38Left foot step across right foot, then hold
39-40Right foot step to right side, then hold
41&42Left over right crossing triple (left-right-left) moving to the right side
43-44Right foot rock to right side, then left foot step down
45&46Right over left crossing triple (right-left-right) moving to the left side
47&Left foot rock to left side & right foot rock in place
48Left foot step next to right foot as right heel rises up
49&50Right foot kick-ball-step forward
51&52Right foot kick-ball-step forward
53&54Right foot kick-ball-step forward
55&56Right foot kick-ball-step doing ¼ turn to the left (to the left)
57-58Right foot rock forward, then left foot step down
59-60Right coaster step (right-left-right) back-together-forward
61-62Left foot rock forward, then right foot step down
63-64Left coaster step (left-right-left) back-together-forward
On the 9th set of this dance the music makes a drastic change. To match the music to the end of the song, do the dance as usual up to count 28, for remainder of music do the following:
1-4Right back, left slide, right back, hold
5-8Left forward, right slide, left forward, hold
9-12Right back, left slide, right back, hold
13-16Left forward, right slide, left forward, hold
17-19Right stomp & left stomp moving forward, then right stomp
3&4Left shuffle forward (left-right-left)
5&6Right shuffle forward (right-left-right)
7&8Left shuffle forward (left-right-left)
9-10Right foot kick forward, then right foot step cross over left foot
11-12Pivot a full 360_ turn to the left (to the left)
13-14Right foot step to right side, then left foot drag to right foot
15-16Right foot step to right side, then left foot drag to right foot
17-18Left foot step to left side, then right foot drag to left foot
19-20Left foot step to left side, then right foot drag to left foot
21-22Right foot swivel step forward with toes pointing at 1:30, then hold
23-24Left foot swivel step forward with toes pointing at 10:30, then hold
25-26Swivel steps forward: right-left
27-28Swivel steps forward: right-left
29-30Right foot rock forward, then left foot step down
31&32Right triple step (right-left-right) doing a ½ turn to the right (to the right)
33Left foot step forward
34Pivot on right foot ½ turn to the right (to the right)
35Left foot step forward
36Pivot on right foot ½ turn to the right (to the right)
37-38Left foot step across right foot, then hold
39-40Right foot step to right side, then hold
41&42Left over right crossing triple (left-right-left) moving to the right side
43-44Right foot rock to right side, then left foot step down
45&46Right over left crossing triple (right-left-right) moving to the left side
47&Left foot rock to left side & right foot rock in place
48Left foot step next to right foot as right heel rises up
49&50Right foot kick-ball-step forward
51&52Right foot kick-ball-step forward
53&54Right foot kick-ball-step forward
55&56Right foot kick-ball-step doing ¼ turn to the left (to the left)
57-58Right foot rock forward, then left foot step down
59-60Right coaster step (right-left-right) back-together-forward
61-62Left foot rock forward, then right foot step down
63-64Left coaster step (left-right-left) back-together-forward
On the 9th set of this dance the music makes a drastic change. To match the music to the end of the song, do the dance as usual up to count 28, for remainder of music do the following:
1-4Right back, left slide, right back, hold
5-8Left forward, right slide, left forward, hold
9-12Right back, left slide, right back, hold
13-16Left forward, right slide, left forward, hold
17-19Right stomp & left stomp moving forward, then right stomp