Position: Side by Side
1-4Left heel touch forward, replace, right toe touch back, touch in place
5-8Right toe touch to side, replace, pigeon toes
9-12Right heel touch forward, right foot cross in front of left, right foot step forward, left foot brush forward
13-16Left foot cross over right, right foot step back, left foot step to side, right foot cross behind left
17-20Left foot touch to left side, left foot cross in front of right, right foot touch to right side, right foot step forward
21-24Left foot scuff forward, left foot stomp beside right, pigeon toes
25-30Left toe touch back, left foot step forward, pivot ½ turn to right, right toe touch back, right foot step forward, pivot ½ turn to left
31-32Left toe touch back, left foot brush forward
33-40Four forward shuffles starting on left foot
1-4Left heel touch forward, replace, right toe touch back, touch in place
5-8Right toe touch to side, replace, pigeon toes
9-12Right heel touch forward, right foot cross in front of left, right foot step forward, left foot brush forward
13-16Left foot cross over right, right foot step back, left foot step to side, right foot cross behind left
17-20Left foot touch to left side, left foot cross in front of right, right foot touch to right side, right foot step forward
21-24Left foot scuff forward, left foot stomp beside right, pigeon toes
25-30Left toe touch back, left foot step forward, pivot ½ turn to right, right toe touch back, right foot step forward, pivot ½ turn to left
31-32Left toe touch back, left foot brush forward
33-40Four forward shuffles starting on left foot