CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Forever On My Mind

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Peter Fry (AUS)
It's Getting Better All the Time - Brooks & Dunn
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1-2&3Step right forward, make full turn left on ball of right stepping left forward, step right forward, pivot ½ turn left
4&5-6Step right forward, make ¼ turn right stepping left to left side, step/rock right behind left, replace weight onto left
&7Step right to right side, touch left toe behind right unwind a full turn left (keeping left heel off the floor)
8Drop left heel onto floor
&1-2&3Making ¼ turn left step right back, cross left in front of right, step right back, step left beside right, step right forward
4&5-6Step/rock left to left side, replace weight onto right, step left over in front of right, step/rock right to right side
&7Replace weight onto left, touch right across in front of left unwind ¾ turn left (keeping right heel off the floor)
8Drop right heel onto floor
&1-2&Step left slightly back, step right back, replace weight onto left, make ¼ turn left stepping right back
3-4&Step/rock left back, replace weight onto right, make ½ turn right stepping left back
5-6&Make ½ turn right step right forward, make ½ turn right step left back, make ½ turn right step right forward
7-8Make ½ turn right step left back, step right back to right 45
&1-2Cross left over in front of right, step right back to right 45 dragging left heel towards right, step left back to left 45
&3-4Step right across in front of left, step left back to left 45 dragging right heel towards left, step right back to right 45
&5-6Cross left over right, step right to right side, replace weight to left while making ¼ turn left
&7-8Step right forward, make a full turn left on ball of right step left forward, step right forward
1-2&3Step left back, drag right toe towards left, step right beside left, step left forward
4Step right forward
On wall 3, change that last step to a touch and restart from here
5-6&7Step left to left side, drag right toe toward left, step right slightly behind left, step/cross left over right
8Step right to right side
1-2&3Cross/rock left behind right, replace weight back to right, step left to left side, step right behind left
4&5Make ¼ turn left stepping left forward, step right forward, make ½ turn left (end with weight on left)
6&7Step right forward, step left forward making a full turn right (keep right foot off the floor) step right forward
&8Step left beside right, step right forward (shuffle)
1-2-3-4Step left forward, step right back dragging left towards right, step left back dragging right towards left, step right back
&5-6-7Step left beside right, step right forward, make ½ turn left (ending with weight on left), step right back dragging left towards right
8Step left back
&1-2-3Step right beside left, step left forward, make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side, step left behind right
&4Step right to right side, step left forward across in front of right
Restart from here on wall 1
&5Step right to right side, touch left toe to left side
6&7-8Hold, step left slightly behind right, cross right over in front of left, unwind full turn left (end with weight on right) step left forward


1st restart: dance the first 58 counts of wall 1 and restart dance
2nd restart: dance the first 43 counts of wall 3 and change count 44 to touch right beside left, then restart dance

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