Recommended alternate: “Teardrops” (134 bpm)… Sugababes (‘Island Life’)
Choreographers note:- This is one of those pieces of music that will never go away, as perennial as the grass.
If correctly phrased to the music, the dance would have required a number of Restarts and Short Walls.
This would have created a higher (Advanced) level of dance – and fewer dancers to enjoy the music.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on the vocal with feet together and weight on the right.
2x Side-Rock-Rock. Rock. Rock. (12:00)
1 - 2 Step left to left. (turning body slightly right) Rock right behind left.
3 - 4 Recover onto left. (turning body forward) Step right to right side.
5 - 6 (turning body slightly left) Rock left behind right. Recover onto right.
7 - 8 Rock left to left side. Recover onto right.
2x Slow Sailor. Fwd Sailor. (12:00)
9 - 10 Step left behind right. Step right to next to right.
11 - 12 Step left to left side. Step right behind left.
13 - 14 Step left next to right. Step right to right side.
15& 16 Step left behind right, step right next to left, step forward onto left.
1/4 Left Side. 1/2 Left Side. Cross Shuffle. Rock. Rock. Sailor. (3:00)
17 - 18 Turn 1/4 left & step right to right side (9). Turn 1/2 left & step left to left side (3).
19& 20 Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left.
21 - 22 (leaning right) Rock step left to left side. Recover onto right.
23& 24 Step left behind right, step right next to left, step left to left side
1/4 Right Rock Bwd. Rock. 1/4 Left Side. 3/4 Left Fwd. Toe Ballcross. Side Touch. Fwd. (6:00)
25 - 26 Turn 1/4 right & rock backward onto right (6). Recover onto left.
27 - 28 Turn 1/4 left & step right to right side (3). Turn 3/4 left & step forward onto left (6).
29& 30 Touch right toe forward, step right next to left, cross left over right.
31 - 32 Touch right toe to right side. Step forward onto right.
2x Shuffle. Toe Ballcross. Side Touch. Fwd. (6:00)
33& 34 Shuffle forward stepping: L.R-L.
35& 36 Shuffle forward stepping: R.L-R.
37& 38 Touch left toe forward, step left next to right, cross right over left.
39 - 40 Touch left toe to left side. Step forward onto left.
Scuff. Step. Pivot 1/2 Left. 1/4 Left Side. 2x Sailor. (9:00)
41 - 42 Scuff right forward. Step down onto right.
43 - 44 Pivot 1/2 left (weight on left) (12). Turn 1/4 left & step right to right side (9).
45& 46 Step left behind right, step right next to left, step left to left side
47& 48 Step right behind left, step left next to right, step right to right side.
Behind. 1/4 Right Fwd. Fwd. Pivot 1/4 Right. Cross. Switches. (3:00)
49 - 50 Step left behind right. Turn 1/4 right & step forward onto right (12).
51 - 52 Step forward onto left. Pivot 1/4 right (weight on right) (3).
53 - 54 Cross left over right. Touch right toe to right side.
&55 Step right next to left, touch left toe to left side.
&56 Step left next to right, touch right toe to right side.
Touch: Cross-Side-Behind-Side. Fwd. Kick. Bwd. Together. (3:00)
57 - 58 Cross right toe over left. Touch right toe to right side.
59 - 60 Cross right toe behind left. Touch right toe to right side.
61 - 62 Step forward onto right. Kick left forward.
63 - 64 Step backward onto left. Step right next to left.
Choreographers note:- This is one of those pieces of music that will never go away, as perennial as the grass.
If correctly phrased to the music, the dance would have required a number of Restarts and Short Walls.
This would have created a higher (Advanced) level of dance – and fewer dancers to enjoy the music.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on the vocal with feet together and weight on the right.
2x Side-Rock-Rock. Rock. Rock. (12:00)
1 - 2 Step left to left. (turning body slightly right) Rock right behind left.
3 - 4 Recover onto left. (turning body forward) Step right to right side.
5 - 6 (turning body slightly left) Rock left behind right. Recover onto right.
7 - 8 Rock left to left side. Recover onto right.
2x Slow Sailor. Fwd Sailor. (12:00)
9 - 10 Step left behind right. Step right to next to right.
11 - 12 Step left to left side. Step right behind left.
13 - 14 Step left next to right. Step right to right side.
15& 16 Step left behind right, step right next to left, step forward onto left.
1/4 Left Side. 1/2 Left Side. Cross Shuffle. Rock. Rock. Sailor. (3:00)
17 - 18 Turn 1/4 left & step right to right side (9). Turn 1/2 left & step left to left side (3).
19& 20 Cross right over left, step left to left side, cross right over left.
21 - 22 (leaning right) Rock step left to left side. Recover onto right.
23& 24 Step left behind right, step right next to left, step left to left side
1/4 Right Rock Bwd. Rock. 1/4 Left Side. 3/4 Left Fwd. Toe Ballcross. Side Touch. Fwd. (6:00)
25 - 26 Turn 1/4 right & rock backward onto right (6). Recover onto left.
27 - 28 Turn 1/4 left & step right to right side (3). Turn 3/4 left & step forward onto left (6).
29& 30 Touch right toe forward, step right next to left, cross left over right.
31 - 32 Touch right toe to right side. Step forward onto right.
2x Shuffle. Toe Ballcross. Side Touch. Fwd. (6:00)
33& 34 Shuffle forward stepping: L.R-L.
35& 36 Shuffle forward stepping: R.L-R.
37& 38 Touch left toe forward, step left next to right, cross right over left.
39 - 40 Touch left toe to left side. Step forward onto left.
Scuff. Step. Pivot 1/2 Left. 1/4 Left Side. 2x Sailor. (9:00)
41 - 42 Scuff right forward. Step down onto right.
43 - 44 Pivot 1/2 left (weight on left) (12). Turn 1/4 left & step right to right side (9).
45& 46 Step left behind right, step right next to left, step left to left side
47& 48 Step right behind left, step left next to right, step right to right side.
Behind. 1/4 Right Fwd. Fwd. Pivot 1/4 Right. Cross. Switches. (3:00)
49 - 50 Step left behind right. Turn 1/4 right & step forward onto right (12).
51 - 52 Step forward onto left. Pivot 1/4 right (weight on right) (3).
53 - 54 Cross left over right. Touch right toe to right side.
&55 Step right next to left, touch left toe to left side.
&56 Step left next to right, touch right toe to right side.
Touch: Cross-Side-Behind-Side. Fwd. Kick. Bwd. Together. (3:00)
57 - 58 Cross right toe over left. Touch right toe to right side.
59 - 60 Cross right toe behind left. Touch right toe to right side.
61 - 62 Step forward onto right. Kick left forward.
63 - 64 Step backward onto left. Step right next to left.