CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hit The Floor

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Amy Floyd & Justine Shuttleworth (AUS)
Dance With Me - Debelah Morgan
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1-3Walk forward on right-left-right
4&5Cha-cha forward stepping left-right-left
6-7Walk forward right-left
8&Cross/step right over left, step left to left turning ¼ right
1-3Turning a further ¼ right step forward on right, walk forward left, forward right
4&5Cha-cha forward stepping left-right-left
6-7Walk forward right-left
8&Cross/step right over left, step left to left turning ¼ right
1-2Turning a further ¼ right step forward on right, step forward on left
&3Rock ball of right to right side, replace weight onto left stepping slightly forward of center
4Tap ball of right beside left
&5Rock ball of right to right side, replace weight onto left stepping slightly forward on center
6Tap ball of right beside left
&7Rock ball of right to right side, replace weight onto left stepping slightly forward on center
8Turn ¼ right leaving ball of right out in front weight back on left
1-2Step forward on right pushing hips back & around to right, lock left behind right pushing hips forward & around to left, (hip circle)
3-4Step forward on right pushing hips back & around to right, lock left behind right pushing hips forward & around to left, (hip circle)
5-6Step forward on right pushing hips back & around to right, lock left behind right pushing hips forward & around to left, (hip circle)
&7Step forward on right, pivot ½ turn left keeping weight forward on left
&8Clap twice
1&2Step right foot forward, scuff left heel forward, pivot on ball of right ¼ turn right to face starting wall and flick/kick left foot back
3&4Cross/step left over right, scuff right heel forward at 45 degrees right, flick/kick right foot back at 45 degrees right
5&6Cross/step right over left, scuff left heel forward at 45 degrees left, flick/kick left foot back at 45 degrees left
7&8Cross/step left over right (no weight on left), clap twice
1&2Cross/step left over right, scuff right heel forward at 45 degrees right, flick/kick right foot back at 45 degrees right
3&4Cross/step right over left, scuff left heel forward at 45 degrees left, flick/kick left foot back at 45 degrees left
5&6Cross/step left over right, scuff right heel forward at 45 degrees right, flick/kick right foot back at 45 degrees right
7&8Cross/step right over left (no weight on right), clap twice
&1Push hips & knee forward, bounce weight back on left
&2Push hips & knee forward, bounce weight back on left
&Step weight forward onto right foot adjusting body to face ¼ left
3-6Walk around in a full circle stepping left-right-left-right
7-8Big cross/step left over right, hold
1&2Step right to right, cross/step left over right, step right to right
3&4Step left to left, cross/step right over left, step left to left
5&6Step right to right, cross/step left over right, step right to right
7-8Full turn over left shoulder to left stepping left-right
&Turning a further ¼ turn left step forward onto left

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