1-2Roll right leg out to right twice
3-4Roll left leg out to left twice
5-8Bump hips right, left, right, left
1-2-3&4Right rock step cross left, recover on left, step right next to left, step left & right in place
5-6-7&8Left rock step cross right, recover on right, step left next to right step right & left in place
1-4Bump hip right twice - bump hips left twice
5-8Bend knees dip and sway hips to right twice
1-8Strut step forward, step right toe & heel, left toe & heel, right toe & heel, left toe & heel
1&2-3-4Right kick ball change, kick right forward step back on right foot as you make ¼ turn to the right
1-8(Cuban walk) touch left bump and step, touch right bump and step, touch left bump and step, touch right bump and step
1-4Step left to left slide right next to left, step right to right, slide left next to right with weight
3-4Roll left leg out to left twice
5-8Bump hips right, left, right, left
1-2-3&4Right rock step cross left, recover on left, step right next to left, step left & right in place
5-6-7&8Left rock step cross right, recover on right, step left next to right step right & left in place
1-4Bump hip right twice - bump hips left twice
5-8Bend knees dip and sway hips to right twice
1-8Strut step forward, step right toe & heel, left toe & heel, right toe & heel, left toe & heel
1&2-3-4Right kick ball change, kick right forward step back on right foot as you make ¼ turn to the right
1-8(Cuban walk) touch left bump and step, touch right bump and step, touch left bump and step, touch right bump and step
1-4Step left to left slide right next to left, step right to right, slide left next to right with weight