1&2Shuffle step round - left, right, left
3&4Shuffle step round - right, left, right
5&6Shuffle step round - left, right, left
7&8Shuffle step round - right, left, right
These shuffles are done in a circular motion to the left as in Grundy Gallop
9-10Step left to left, cross right behind left
11-12Step left to left, touch right next to left
13-14Rock forward on right, recover weight on left
15-16Step right ¼ turn right, hold for one beat
17-18Step left forward, lock right behind left
19-20Step left forward, scuff right forward
21-22Step right forward, lock left behind right
23-24Step right forward, scuff left forward
25-28Walk backwards left, right, left, touch right next to left
29-30Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left
31-32Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left finishing with weight on right foot
3&4Shuffle step round - right, left, right
5&6Shuffle step round - left, right, left
7&8Shuffle step round - right, left, right
These shuffles are done in a circular motion to the left as in Grundy Gallop
9-10Step left to left, cross right behind left
11-12Step left to left, touch right next to left
13-14Rock forward on right, recover weight on left
15-16Step right ¼ turn right, hold for one beat
17-18Step left forward, lock right behind left
19-20Step left forward, scuff right forward
21-22Step right forward, lock left behind right
23-24Step right forward, scuff left forward
25-28Walk backwards left, right, left, touch right next to left
29-30Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left
31-32Step right forward, pivot ½ turn left finishing with weight on right foot